Sif Einarsdóttir
Sif Einarsdóttir
在 hi.is 的电子邮件经过验证
The structure of vocational interests in Iceland: Examining Holland's and Gati's RIASEC models.
S Einarsdóttir, J Rounds, S Ægisdóttir, LH Gerstein
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 18 (1), 85, 2002
The Icelandic child mental health study. An epidemiological study of Icelandic children 2–18 years of age using the Child Behavior Checklist as a screening instrument
H Hannesdóttir, S Einarsdóttir
European child & adolescent psychiatry 4, 237-248, 1995
Gender bias and construct validity in vocational interest measurement: Differential item functioning in the Strong Interest Inventory
S Einarsdóttir, J Rounds
Journal of Vocational Behavior 74 (3), 295-307, 2009
The roles of personality traits and vocational interests in explaining what people want out of life
G Stoll, S Einarsdóttir, QC Song, P Ondish, JJ Sun, J Rounds
Journal of Research in Personality 86, 103939, 2020
Amalía Björnsdóttir og Ásta Snorradóttir.(2019). Kulnun kennara og starfsaðstæður: Þróun og samanburður við aðra opinbera sérfræðinga
S Einarsdóttir, RB Erlingsdóttir
Netla–Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun, 2019
Holland in Iceland revisited: An emic approach to evaluating US vocational interest models.
S Einarsdóttir, J Rounds, R Su
Journal of Counseling Psychology 57 (3), 361, 2010
Measurement invariance of the career indecision profile: United States and Iceland
MD Abrams, AÓ Ómarsdóttir, MD Björnsdóttir, S Einarsdóttir, C Martin, ...
Journal of Career Assessment 21 (3), 469-482, 2013
A culture-sensitive approach in the development of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in Iceland: Theoretical and operational considerations
S Einarsdóttir, G Vilhjálmsdóttir, SB Smáradóttir, GB Kjartansdóttir
Journal of Vocational Behavior 89, 172-181, 2015
Adolescent vocational interests predict early career success: Two 12‐year longitudinal studies
KA Hoff, C Chu, S Einarsdóttir, DA Briley, A Hanna, J Rounds
Applied Psychology 71 (1), 49-75, 2022
Personality changes predict early career outcomes: Discovery and replication in 12-year longitudinal studies
KA Hoff, S Einarsdóttir, C Chu, DA Briley, J Rounds
Psychological Science 32 (1), 64-79, 2021
Developmental structure of personality and interests: A four-wave, 8-year longitudinal study.
KA Hoff, Q Song, S Einarsdóttir, DA Briley, J Rounds
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 118 (5), 1044, 2020
Career adapt-abilities scale—Icelandic form: Psychometric properties and construct validity
G Vilhjálmsdóttir, GB Kjartansdóttir, SB Smáradóttir, S Einarsdóttir
Journal of Vocational Behavior 80 (3), 698-704, 2012
Application of three dimensions of vocational interests to the Strong Interest Inventory
S Einarsdóttir, J Rounds
Journal of Vocational Behavior 56 (3), 363-379, 2000
Cross-cultural adaptation of the Icelandic beliefs about psychological services scale (I-BAPS)
S Ægisdóttir, S Einarsdóttir
International Perspectives in Psychology 1 (4), 236-251, 2012
Game-based career learning support for youth: effects of playing the Youth@ Work game on career adaptability
HGK Hummel, EA Boyle, S Einarsdóttir, A Pétursdóttir, A Graur
Interactive learning environments 26 (6), 745-759, 2018
European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners: NICE Handbook Volume 2
C Schiersmann, S Einarsdottir, J Katsarov, J Lerkkanen, R Mulvey, ...
Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2016
Diverse histories, common ground and a shared future: The education of career guidance and counselling professionals in the Nordic countries
IH Andreassen, S Einarsdóttir, J Lerkkanen, R Thomsen, F Wikstrand
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance 19, 411-436, 2019
Kynjamunur á starfsáhuga: raunverulegur eða skekkja í áhugakönnunum
S Einarsdóttir
Fit gets better: A longitudinal study of changes in interest fit in educational and work environments
A Hanna, D Briley, S Einarsdóttir, K Hoff, J Rounds
European Journal of Personality 35 (4), 557-580, 2021
Development of indigenous basic interest scales: Re-structuring the Icelandic interest space
S Einarsdóttir, KÓ Eyjólfsdóttir, J Rounds
Journal of Vocational Behavior 82 (2), 105-115, 2013
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