Samy Alkhayat
Analysis and correlation of ignition delay for hydrotreated vegetable oil and ultra low sulfur diesel and their blends in ignition quality tester
SA Alkhayat, GD Joshi, N Henein
Fuel 289, 119816, 2021
Experimental validation of a three-component surrogate for Sasol-Isoparaffinic Kerosene in single cylinder diesel engine and ignition quality tester
S Alkhayat, M Trivedi, N Henein, S Mukhopadhyay, P Schihl
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140 (8), 082801, 2018
Analysis of the ion current in misfiring and firing cycles during the cold starting of a compression ignition engine
MJ Trivedi, PD Raut, S Alkhayat, NA Henein
International Journal of Engine Research 25 (3), 466-483, 2024
Surrogate Fuels for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO): Development, Experimental Validation, and 3D-CFD Simulation
SA Alkhayat
Wayne State University, 2023
Use of Artificial Neural Network to Develop Surrogates for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil with Experimental Validation in Ignition Quality Tester
S Alkhayat, G Joshi, N Henein
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 17 (04-17-02-0011), 2024
The SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants would like to thank and acknowledge the reviewers who have done peer reviews on articles over the past year.
F Akbulut, S Alkhayat, A Atmanli, M Abd El-Aziz, Y Bai, NK Balakrishnan, ...
The SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants would like to thank and acknowledge the reviewers who have done peer reviews on articles over the past year.
MF Abdollah, K Acharya, F Akbulut, K Akyurek, S Alkhayat, T Alleman, ...
e SAE International Journal of Engines would like to thank and acknowledge the reviewers who have done peer reviews on articles over the past year
SK Addepalli, K Ahmed, T Aizawa, O Ajala, A Akinola, M Al Qubeissi, ...
Auto-ignition Characteristics of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel and their blends in Ignition Quality Tester
NH Samy Alkhayat, Gaurav Joshi
11th US National Combustion Meeting, 2019
Combustion Analysis of Surrogates for Military Kerosene-Type Jet Fuels JP8 and Sasol-IPK in Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine and IQT
SA Alkhayat
Wayne State University, 2018
report Miscellaneous Citation| Accesssion Number
Surrogates for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (Hvo); Development and Experimental Validation in Ignition Quality Tester
SA Alkhayat, G Joshi, N Henein
Development and Experimental Validation in Ignition Quality Tester, 0
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