Tim Beale
Tim Beale
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Fall armyworm: impacts and implications for Africa
R Day, P Abrahams, M Bateman, T Beale, V Clottey, M Cock, ...
Outlooks on Pest Management 28 (5), 196-201, 2017
An assessment of the distribution and potential ecological impacts of invasive alien plant species in eastern Africa
A Witt, T Beale, BW van Wilgen
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 73 (3), 217-236, 2018
Towards estimating the economic cost of invasive alien species to African crop and livestock production
R Eschen, T Beale, JM Bonnin, KL Constantine, S Duah, EA Finch, ...
CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 2, 1-18, 2021
Tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta): impacts and coping strategies for Africa.
I Rwomushana, T Beale, G Chipabika, R Day, P Gonzalez-Moreno, ...
A preliminary assessment of the extent and potential impacts of alien plant invasions in the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem, East Africa
BW Van Wilgen, ABR Witt, T Beale, S Kiambi
Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science 59 (1), 1-16, 2017
Fall armyworm status: impacts and control options in Africa: preliminary evidence note
P Abrahams, T Beale, M Cock, N Corniani, R Day, J Godwin, S Murphy, ...
Oxfordshire: Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, 2017
The potential global distribution of the papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus, a polyphagous pest
EA Finch, T Beale, M Chellappan, G Goergen, BG Gadratagi, MAM Khan, ...
Pest Management Science 77 (3), 1361-1370, 2021
Distribution of invasive alien Tithonia (Asteraceae) species in eastern and southern Africa and the socioecological impacts of T. diversifolia in Zambia
RT Shackleton, W Nunda, T Beale, BW Van Wilgen, ABR Witt
Bothalia-African Biodiversity & Conservation 49 (1), 1-11, 2019
Towards estimating the economic cost of invasive alien species to African crop and livestock production. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 2: 1–18
R Eschen, T Beale, JM Bonnin, KL Constantine, S Duah, EA Finch, ...
Fall armyworm status: Impacts and control options in Africa: Preliminary evidence note. CABI, UK
P Abrahams, T Beale, M Cock, N Corniani, R Day, J Godwin, S Murphy, ...
A preliminary assessment of the presence and distribution of invasive and potentially invasive alien plant species in Laikipia County, Kenya, a biodiversity hotspot
T Beale, DJ Kriticos, ABR Witt, W Nunda
Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science 62 (1), 1-10, 2020
Mimosa pigra in eastern and southern Africa: Distribution and socio‐ecological impacts
ABR Witt, KS Floyd, W Nunda, T Beale, G Shanungu, DJ Kriticos
Austral Ecology 45 (6), 788-799, 2020
Optimizing the timing of management interventions against fall armyworm in African smallholder maize: Modelling the pattern of larval population emergence and development
A Lowry, L Durocher-Granger, ML Oronje, D Mutisya, T Mfune, C Gitonga, ...
Crop Protection 157, 105966, 2022
What can be learned by a synoptic review of plant disease epidemics and outbreaks published in 2021?
MJ Jeger, H Fielder, T Beale, AM Szyniszewska, S Parnell, NJ Cunniffe
Phytopathology® 113 (7), 1141-1158, 2023
Distribution of Mimosa diplotricha in eastern and southern Africa and its socioecological impacts in northern Malawi
A Witt, T Beale, L Chimphepo, W Nunda
Bothalia-African Biodiversity & Conservation 50 (1), 1-13, 2020
Leveraging data, models & farming innovation to prevent, prepare for & manage pest incursions: delivering a pest risk service for low-income countries
B Taylor, HEZ Tonnang, T Beale, W Holland, ML Oronje, ...
Science and Innovations for Food Systems Transformation, 439, 2023
Minimizing pest and disease risks in uncertain climates: CABI initiatives developing new technologies and tools for outreaching early warning to farmers.
B Taylor, J Casey, S Annamalai, EA Finch, T Beale, W Holland, ...
agriRxiv, 20210271298, 2021
PRISE-PAD fall armyworm SMS alert pilot results
F Mbugua, M Bundi, C Day, T Beale, F Williams
CABI Study Brief, 2020
Horizon scanning: Tools to identify emerging threats to plant health in a changing world
A Antoniou, M Abergel, A Akrivou, T Beale, R Day, H Fielder, ...
EPPO Bulletin 54, 73-88, 2024
Designing data sharing agreements: a checklist
D Yates, T Beale, S Marshall, M Parr
Gates Open Res 2 (44), 44, 2018
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