Victor Sojo
Victor Sojo
Associate Professor in Leadership, The University of Melbourne
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Harmful workplace experiences and women’s occupational well-being: A meta-analysis
VE Sojo, RE Wood, AE Genat
Psychology of Women Quarterly 40 (1), 10-40, 2016
Economic inequality is linked to biased self-perception
S Loughnan, P Kuppens, J Allik, K Balazs, S De Lemus, K Dumont, ...
Psychological science 22 (10), 1254-1258, 2011
Reporting requirements, targets, and quotas for women in leadership
VE Sojo, RE Wood, SA Wood, MA Wheeler
The Leadership Quarterly 27 (3), 519-536, 2016
Why does workplace gender diversity matter? Justice, organizational benefits, and policy
C Fine, V Sojo, H Lawford-Smith
Social Issues and Policy Review 16, 2019
The #MeToo movement: an opportunity in public health?
A O'Neil, V Sojo, B Fileborn, AJ Scovelle, A Milner
The Lancet 391 (10140), 2587–2589, 2018
Transition to primary school: A review of the literature
M Hirst, N Jervis, K Visagie, V Sojo, S Cavanagh
Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, 2011
Organisational factors and non-accidental violence in sport: A systematic review
V Roberts, V Sojo, F Grant
Sport Management Review, 2019
Expressions of masculinity and associations with suicidal ideation among young males
TL King, M Shields, V Sojo, G Daraganova, D Currier, A O’Neil, K King, ...
BMC psychiatry 20, 1-10, 2020
Mediated moderation or moderated mediation: Relationship between length of unemployment, resilience, coping and health
V Sojo, L Guarino
The Spanish journal of psychology 14 (1), 272-281, 2011
Predicting employee attitudes to workplace diversity from personality, values, and cognitive ability
J Anglim, V Sojo, LJ Ashford, A Newman, A Marty
Journal of Research in Personality 83, 103865, 2019
Women's value: beyond the business case for diversity and inclusion
C Fine, V Sojo
The Lancet 393 (10171), 515-516, 2019
Goals, goal orientations, strategies, and performance
RE Wood, J Whelan, V Sojo, M Wong
New developments in goal setting and task performance, 90-114, 2013
Adaptación y validación preliminar de la versión hispana del cuestionario de estilos de Afrontamiento.(Coping Style Questionnaire, CSQ)
L Guarino, V Sojo, L Bethelmy
Psicología Conductual 15 (2), 173-189, 2007
Apoyo social como moderador del estrés en la salud de los desempleados
L Guarino, V Sojo
Universitas psychologica 10 (3), 867-879, 2011
Inter-individual differences in intra-individual variability in personality within and across contexts
N Beckmann, DP Birney, JF Beckmann, RE Wood, V Sojo, D Bowman
Journal of Research in Personality 85, 103909, 2020
Evaluation bias and backlash: Dimensions, predictors and implications for organisations
A Genat, R Wood, V Sojo
C. f. E. Leadership (Ed.), Gender Equality Project. Melbourne: University of …, 2012
Evaluación de factores psicosociales relacionados con la salud global de un grupo de desempleados venezolanos
V Sojo
Manuscrito sin publicar, Caracas: Universidad Simón Bolívar, 2006
To strive is human, to abuse malign: Discrimination and non-accidental violence of professional athletes without employee-style statutory protection
V Roberts, V Sojo
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2019
Explaining the relationship between ethnicity and depressive symptoms: The roles of climate for inclusion, job self-efficacy, and job demands
M Adamovic, V Sojo, R Schachtman, A Vargas
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2022
Resilience: Women’s fit, functioning and growth at work: Indicators and predictors
V Sojo, R Wood
Centre for Ethical Leadership, Melbourne Business School. Melbourne: The …, 2012
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