Waveform design and signal processing aspects for fusion of wireless communications and radar sensing C Sturm, W Wiesbeck Proceedings of the IEEE 99 (7), 1236-1259, 2011 | 1173 | 2011 |
An OFDM system concept for joint radar and communications operations C Sturm, T Zwick, W Wiesbeck VTC Spring 2009-IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009 | 405 | 2009 |
Basic properties and design principles of UWB antennas W Wiesbeck, G Adamiuk, C Sturm Proceedings of the IEEE 97 (2), 372-385, 2009 | 378 | 2009 |
Planar artificial magnetic conductors and patch antennas Y Zhang, J Von Hagen, M Younis, C Fischer, W Wiesbeck IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 51 (10), 2704-2712, 2003 | 368 | 2003 |
Concepts and results for 3D digital terrain-based wave propagation models: An overview T Kurner, DJ Cichon, W Wiesbeck IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications 11 (7), 1002-1012, 1993 | 307 | 1993 |
Compact, dual-polarized UWB-antenna, embedded in a dielectric G Adamiuk, T Zwick, W Wiesbeck IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58 (2), 279-286, 2009 | 306 | 2009 |
Digital beamforming in SAR systems M Younis, C Fischer, W Wiesbeck IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 41 (7), 1735-1739, 2003 | 306 | 2003 |
Influence of the antennas on the ultra-wideband transmission W Sörgel, W Wiesbeck EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2005, 1-10, 2005 | 301 | 2005 |
A stochastic multipath channel model including path directions for indoor environments T Zwick, C Fischer, W Wiesbeck IEEE journal on Selected Areas in Communications 20 (6), 1178-1192, 2002 | 277 | 2002 |
Complete RF system model for analysis of compact MIMO arrays C Waldschmidt, S Schulteis, W Wiesbeck IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 53 (3), 579-586, 2004 | 223 | 2004 |
History and applications of UWB MZ Win, D Dardari, AF Molisch, W Wiesbeck, W Jinyun Zhang Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2009 | 221 | 2009 |
A novel approach to OFDM radar processing C Sturm, E Pancera, T Zwick, W Wiesbeck 2009 IEEE Radar Conference, 1-4, 2009 | 189 | 2009 |
A novel OFDM chirp waveform scheme for use of multiple transmitters in SAR JH Kim, M Younis, A Moreira, W Wiesbeck IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 10 (3), 568-572, 2012 | 185 | 2012 |
A new inter-vehicle communications (IVC) channel model J Maurer, T Fugen, T Schafer, W Wiesbeck IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 1, 9-13, 2004 | 182 | 2004 |
Narrow-band measurement and analysis of the inter-vehicle transmission channel at 5.2 GHz J Maurer, T Fugen, W Wiesbeck Vehicular Technology Conference. IEEE 55th Vehicular Technology Conference …, 2002 | 179 | 2002 |
Capability of 3-D ray tracing for defining parameter sets for the specification of future mobile communications systems T Fugen, J Maurer, T Kayser, W Wiesbeck IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 54 (11), 3125-3137, 2006 | 178 | 2006 |
Compact wide-band multimode antennas for MIMO and diversity C Waldschmidt, W Wiesbeck IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 52 (8), 1963-1969, 2004 | 173 | 2004 |
Planungsmethoden für die Mobilkommunikation: Funknetzplanung unter realen physikalischen Ausbreitungsbedingungen N Geng, W Wiesbeck Springer-Verlag, 2013 | 168 | 2013 |
A photonic bandgap (PBG) structure for guiding and suppressing surface waves in millimeter-wave antennas YJ Park, A Herschlein, W Wiesbeck IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 49 (10), 1854-1859, 2001 | 166 | 2001 |
A stochastic spatial channel model based on wave-propagation modeling T Zwick, C Fischer, D Didascalou, W Wiesbeck IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 18 (1), 6-15, 2000 | 158 | 2000 |