Mariana Paschoalini Frias
Mariana Paschoalini Frias
Laboratório de Ecologia Comportamental e Bioacústica da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (LABEC)
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Risks of dam construction for South American river dolphins: a case study of the Tapajós River
HJ Pavanato, G Melo-Santos, DS Lima, M Portocarrero-Aya, ...
Endangered species research 31, 47-60, 2016
Temporal activity patterns and foraging behavior by social wasps (Hymenoptera, Polistinae) on fruits of Mangifera indica L.(Anacardiaceae)
BC Barbosa, MF Paschoalini, F Prezoto
Sociobiology 61 (2), 239-242, 2014
Marine debris ingestion by sea turtles (Testudines) on the Brazilian coast: an underestimated threat?
RH de Carvalho, PD Lacerda, S da Silva Mendes, BC Barbosa, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 101 (2), 746-749, 2015
On the brink of isolation: Population estimates of the Araguaian river dolphin in a human-impacted region in Brazil
M Paschoalini, RM Almeida, F Trujillo, G Melo-Santos, M Marmontel, ...
Plos one 15 (4), e0231224, 2020
Density, abundance and group size of river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis) in central Amazonia, Brazil
HJ Pavanato, CG Salazar, D Lima, M Paschoalini, N Ristau, M Marmontel
J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 20, 93-100, 2019
Identifying the current and future status of freshwater connectivity corridors in the Amazon Basin
B Caldas, ML Thieme, N Shahbol, ME Coelho, G Grill, PA Van Damme, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 5 (1), e12853, 2023
Density and abundance estimation of Amazonian river dolphins: understanding population size variability
M Paschoalini, F Trujillo, M Marmontel, F Mosquera-Guerra, RL Paitach, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (11), 1184, 2021
Challenges and priorities for river cetacean conservation
E Campbell, J Alfaro-Shigueto, E Aliaga-Rossel, I Beasley, Y Briceño, ...
Endangered Species Research 49, 13-42, 2022
Visitantes florais e seus padrões temporais de atividade em flores de Dombeya wallichii (Lindl.) K. Schum (Malvaceae)
BC Barbosa, M Paschoalini, TT Maciel, F Prezoto
Entomotropica 31, 131-136, 2016
Do salicylic acid, nitric oxide and feeding by Mahanarva spectabilis nymphs induce a resistance response in elephant grass?
MV Leite, AM Auad, TT Resende, MP Frias, MG Fonseca, RJC Castro
Experimental Agriculture 50 (4), 498-504, 2014
The biosonar of the boto: evidence of differences among species of river dolphins (Inia spp.) from the Amazon
JF Melo, TOS Amorim, M Paschoalini, A Andriolo
PeerJ 9, e11105, 2021
Exibição turística de pirarucus (Arapaima gigas Schinz, 1822) de cativeiro na Amazônia, Região do Baixo Rio Negro
CES Revista 30 (1), 69-80, 2016
Nematoides entomatogénicos infectam ovos e adultos de cigarrinha-das-pastagens?
CMOM Elder Simões de Paula Batista, Alexander Machado Auad, Mariana ...
Arquivos do Instituto Biológico 78 (3), 475, 2011
Strategy to identify areas of use of Amazon River dolphins
F Mosquera-Guerra, F Trujillo, J Perez-Torres, H Mantilla-Meluk, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 838988, 2022
Análisis espacial de Inia geoffrensis-Una estrategia para identificar áreas potenciales de riesgo de capturas dirigidas ID 175
F Mosquera-Guerra, F Trujillo, J Pérez-Torres, H Mantilla-Meluk, ...
Amazonian River Dolphin Density Estimates in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve 2017–2019
M Marmontel, JF de Melo, MP Frias, A Giovanni, HIC de Almeida-Coelho, ...
Proceedings of the International Whaling Commission, Scientific Committee …, 2020
Floral visitors and their temporal patterns of activity in flowers of Dombeya wallichii (Lindl.) K. Schum (Malvaceae).
BC Barbosa, M Paschoalini, TT Maciel, F Prezoto
Comportamento incomum de Alouatta clamitans Cabrera, 1940 vistoriando ninho de ave
TT Maciel, BC Barbosa, M Paschoalini
Revista Brasileira de Biociências 14 (1), 2016
Entomopathogenic fungi in Diptera: remarks on range extension and collection records
BC Barbosa, TT Maciela, M Paschoalini, F Prezoto
Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão 38 (3), 257-263, 2016
Diagnóstico da fauna silvestre recebida e resgatada pelo Instituto Ecológico Búzios de Mata Atlântica aos arredores da Área de Proteção Ambiental Pau-Brasil na Região dos Lagos
PD Lacerda, BC Barbosa, M Paschoalini, TT Maciel
Boletim do Observatório Ambiental Alberto Ribeiro Lamego 8 (1), 75-82, 2014
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