Microplastics occurrence in edible fish species (Mullus barbatus and Merluccius merluccius) collected in three different geographical sub-areas of the Mediterranean Sea D Giani, M Baini, M Galli, S Casini, MC Fossi Marine pollution bulletin 140, 129-137, 2019 | 193 | 2019 |
Interlaboratory comparison of microplastic extraction methods from marine biota tissues: A harmonization exercise of the Plastic Busters MPAs project C Tsangaris, C Panti, M Compa, C Pedà, N Digka, M Baini, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 164, 111992, 2021 | 48 | 2021 |
Relevance of current PCB concentrations in edible fish species from the Mediterranean Sea A Bartalini, J Muñoz-Arnanz, M Baini, C Panti, M Galli, D Giani, MC Fossi, ... Science of The Total Environment 737, 139520, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Oceanographic and anthropogenic variables driving marine litter distribution in Mediterranean protected areas: Extensive field data supported by forecasting modelling M Galli, M Baini, C Panti, D Giani, I Caliani, T Campani, M Rosso, ... Science of the Total Environment 903, 166266, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Monitoring the composition, sources and spatial distribution of seafloor litter in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) through Fishing for Litter initiatives E Pasanisi, G Galasso, C Panti, M Baini, M Galli, D Giani, G Limonta, ... Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (39), 90858-90874, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Trophic niche influences ingestion of micro-and mesoplastics in pelagic and demersal fish from the Western Mediterranean Sea D Giani, C Andolina, M Baini, C Panti, M Sciandra, S Vizzini, MC Fossi Environmental Pollution 328, 121632, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Gradients of variation in the at-vessel mortality rate between twelve species of sharks and skates sampled through a fishery-independent Trawl Survey in the Asinara Gulf (NW … U Scacco, T Fortibuoni, M Baini, G Franceschini, D Giani, M Concato, ... Biology 12 (3), 363, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Detection of anthropogenic fibres in marine organisms: Knowledge gaps and methodological issues M Concato, C Panti, M Baini, M Galli, D Giani, MC Fossi Marine Pollution Bulletin 191, 114949, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Trophic niche features influence microplastic ingestion in Mediterranean fish species C Andolina, D Giani, M Baini, C Panti, M Sciandra, S Vizzini, M Fossi ADATTAMENTI DEGLI ECOSISTEMI ALLE PRESSIONI DELL’ANTROPOCENE, 145-145, 2022 | | 2022 |
Impatto delle microplastiche e loro funzione di carrier per contaminanti persistenti in specie ittiche del Mar Mediterraneo con diverse strategie alimentari D Giani Università degli Studi di Siena, 2020 | | 2020 |
Assessment of multiple impacts of marine litter in the Adriatic Sea: from fishing for litter to fish species C Panti, M Baini, M Galli, D Giani, G Limonta, M Concato, E Pasanisi, ... MICRO2020. Assessment of multiple impacts of marine litter in the Adriatic …, 2020 | | 2020 |
Combining microplastic surface sampling with manta trawl and microplastic ingestion in fish species to improve plastic assessment in the marine ecosystem: a case study in the … D Giani, C Panti, MC Fossi, M Baini, M Concato, M Galli Micro2020 fate and impacts of microplastics: knowledge and responsabilities, 2020 | | 2020 |
Preliminary evaluation of microplastic ingestion and phthalates load in Mediterranean Lanternfish (Myctophum punctatum) M Baini, M Galli, D Giani, C Panti, M Rosso, MC Fossi MICRO2020 Fate and impacts of microplastics: knowledge and responsibilites, 2020 | | 2020 |
How to detect the impact of microplastics in Mediterranean MPAs: the Plastic Busters MPAs approach MC Fossi, M Baini, S Casini, M Galli, I Caliani, T Campani, D Giani, ... MICRO2020 Fate and impacts of microplastics: knowledge and responsibilites, 2020 | | 2020 |
Slow decline of PCBs in edible marine fish species from the Mediterranean Sea A Bartalini, J Muñoz-Arnanz, M Baini, C Panti, M Galli, D Giani, MC Fossi, ... | | 2019 |
Presence of plastics debris in Mediterranean pelagic and demersal fish of commercial interest D Giani, M Baini, M Galli, M Concato, S Casini, MC Fossi Sixth International Marine Debris Conference (6IMDC), 323-323, 2018 | | 2018 |