Sarra Bouagga
Sarra Bouagga
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Tomato plant responses to feeding behavior of three zoophytophagous predators (Hemiptera: Miridae)
M Pérez-Hedo, S Bouagga, JA Jaques, V Flors, A Urbaneja
Biological Control 86, 46-51, 2015
Zoophytophagous mirids provide pest control by inducing direct defences, antixenosis and attraction to parasitoids in sweet pepper plants
S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, JL Rambla, V Flors, A Granell, JA Jaques, ...
Pest management science 74 (6), 1286-1296, 2018
Orius laevigatus strengthens its role as a biological control agent by inducing plant defenses
S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, JL Rambla, A Granell, M Pérez-Hedo
Journal of pest science 91, 55-64, 2018
Combined Use of Predatory Mirids With Amblyseius swirskii (Acari: Phytoseiidae) to Enhance Pest Management in Sweet Pepper
S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, M Pérez-Hedo
Journal of economic entomology 111 (3), 1112-1120, 2018
Comparative biocontrol potential of three predatory mirids when preying on sweet pepper key pests
S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, M Pérez-Hedo
Biological Control 121, 168-174, 2018
Zoophytophagous predator‐induced defences restrict accumulation of the tomato spotted wilt virus
S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, L Depalo, L Rubio, M Pérez‐Hedo
Pest Management Science 76 (2), 561-567, 2020
Induction of plant defenses: the added value of zoophytophagous predators
M Pérez-Hedo, S Bouagga, NX Zhang, R Moerkens, G Messelink, ...
Journal of Pest Science 95 (4), 1501-1517, 2022
Evaluation of an" Attract and Kill" System to Combat Ceratitis capitata on Peach Trees in Tunisia
B Sarra, H Nayem, KBH Monia, J Adel, D Khaled, AZ Skaker
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. A 4 (7A), 2014
Enhancing pest management in sweet pepper by the exploitation of zoophytophagy
S Bouagga
Inducción de defensas en pimiento: una nueva herramienta sostenible de gestión de plagas y enfermedades
M Pérez-Hedo, M Alonso-Valiente, C Riahi, S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, ...
Phytoma España, 96-98, 2021
Orius laevigatus induces plant defenses in sweet pepper.
S Bouagga, M Pérez-Hedo, JL Rambla, A Granell, A Urbaneja
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of …, 2017
Zoophytophagous mirids provide pest control by inducing direct defences, antixenosis and attraction to parasitoids in sweet pepper plants' under the original authorship (vol 78 …
S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, JL Rambla, V Flors, A Granell, JA Jaques, ...
PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 78 (5), 2096-2096, 2022
Zoophytophagous mirids provide pest control by inducing direct defences, antixenosis and attraction to parasitoids in sweet pepper plants' under the original authorship (vol 74 …
S Bouagga
PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 78 (1), 389-391, 2022
Correction to: Orius laevigatus strengthens its role as a biological control agent by inducing plant defenses
S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, JL Rambla, A Granell, M Pérez-Hedo
Journal of Pest Science 94, 1045-1047, 2021
Mejora del manejo de plagas en pimiento mediante la gestión de las defensas propias de la planta mediadas por depredadores zoofitófagos
S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, M Pérez-Hedo
Agrícola Vergel, 303-307, 2018
Resiliencia en pimiento mediante la explotación de la zoofitofagia
S Bouagga, A Urbaneja, JL Rambla, V Flors, A Granell, JA Jaques, ...
X Congreso Nacional de Entomología Aplicada-XVI Jornadas Científicas de la SEEA, 2017
Orius laevigatus refuerza su papel como agente de control biológico al inducir respuestas defensivas en pimiento
S Bouagga, M Pérez-Hedo, JL Rambla, A Granell, A Urbaneja
X Congreso Nacional de Entomología Aplicada-XVI Jornadas Científicas de la SEEA, 2017
Increasing resilience of pepper crops by exploiting zoophytophagy
A Urbaneja, S Bouagga, JA Jaques, V Flors, M Pérez-Hedo
2016 International Congress of Entomology, 2016
¿ Puede el control biológico mejorarse en el cultivo del pimiento?
A Urbaneja, S Bouagga, M Pérez-Hedo
Phytoma España 264, 16-20, 2014
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