Samverkan–välfärdsstatens nya arbetsform Berth Danermark, Christian Kullberg Lund: studentlitteratur, 1999 | 581* | 1999 |
Socialt arbete som kommunikativ praktik C Kullberg Samtal med och om klienter, 1994 | 95* | 1994 |
Differences in the seriousness of problems and deservingness of help: Swedish social workers’ assessments of single mothers and fathers C Kullberg British Journal of Social Work 35 (3), 373-386, 2005 | 80 | 2005 |
Work and social support: Social workers’ assessments of male and female clients’ problems and needs C Kullberg Affilia 19 (2), 199-210, 2004 | 45 | 2004 |
Deaf and hard-of-hearing adolescents’ experiences of inclusion and exclusion in mainstream and special schools in Sweden S Olsson, M Dag, C Kullberg European Journal of Special Needs Education 33 (4), 495-509, 2018 | 44 | 2018 |
Gendered debt–a scoping study review of research on debt acquisition and management in single and couple households J Callegari, P Liedgren, C Kullberg European Journal of Social Work 23 (5), 742-754, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Vinjetter som verktyg i studier av välfärdsprofessioner C Kullberg, E Brunnberg Välfärdspolitik i praktiken: Om perspektiv och metoder i forskning, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
Listening to the welfare state M Seltzer, C Kullberg, I Rostila Routledge, 2017 | 33 | 2017 |
genus i socialt arbete C Kullberg | 31* | |
Gender differences in social workers’ assessments and help-giving strategies towards single parents: Genusskillnader i socialarbetares bedömningar och hjälpstrategier gentemot … C Kullberg, J Fäldt European Journal of Social Work 11 (4), 445-458, 2008 | 29 | 2008 |
Research on gender differences in the treatment of clients in welfare institutions C Kullberg Russell House, 2002 | 26 | 2002 |
Vinjetter som verktyg i studier av välfärdsstatens professioner: Exemplet socialt arbete C Kullberg, E Brunnberg NSU Press, 2007 | 24 | 2007 |
Can they work it out and do they get any satisfaction? Young Swedish physically disabled men's and women's work involvement and job satisfaction M Dag, C Kullberg Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 12 (4), 287-303, 2010 | 21 | 2010 |
Implications of male and female same-gender dyads J Fäldt, C Kullberg Journal of social service research 38 (5), 712-726, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |
Images of encounters in social work-with a focus on social interaction, morality and gender C Kullberg, E Cedersund Listening to the welfare state, 3-38, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Paid work, education and competence. Social workers’ interviews with male and female clients applying for income support: Förvärvsarbete, utbildning och kompetens … C Kullberg European Journal of Social Work 9 (3), 339-355, 2006 | 18 | 2006 |
Genusskapande processer i det sociala arbetets praktik. I Kullberg J Fäldt C., Hertz, M., Fäldt., J., Wallroth, V. & Skillmark, M., Genus i socialt …, 2012 | 15* | 2012 |
The use of decision support systems in social work: A scoping study literature review P Liedgren, G Elvhage, A Ehrenberg, C Kullberg Journal of evidence-informed social work 13 (1), 1-20, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
‘Easy ride or born to be wild'? The travelling of evidence-based social work to Sweden P Liedgren, C Kullberg European Journal of Social Work 25 (2), 224-237, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Genusmedvetet socialt arbete M Herz, C Kullberg Liber, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |