Prof. Dr. Ahmet İrvem
Prof. Dr. Ahmet İrvem
Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak. Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü
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Estimating spatial distribution of soil loss over Seyhan River Basin in Turkey
A Irvem, F Topaloğlu, V Uygur
Journal of Hydrology 336 (1-2), 30-37, 2007
Evaluating the impact of land use uncertainty on the simulated streamflow and sediment yield of the Seyhan River basin using the SWAT model
A El-Sadek, A Irvem
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 38 (4), 515-530, 2014
Mapping of total nitrogen, available phosphorous and potassium in Amik Plain, Turkey
V Uygur, A Irvem, S Karanlik, R Akis
Environmental Earth Sciences 59, 1129-1138, 2010
Potential of kernel and tree-based machine-learning models for estimating missing data of rainfall
MT Sattari, K Falsafian, A Irvem, SN Qasem
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 14 (1), 1078-1094, 2020
Coğrafi bilgi sistemi ile toprak kaybı ve sediment verimi tahmin modelinin (EST) oluşturulması ve Seyhan-Körkün Alt Havzasına uygulanması
A İrvem, K Tülücü
Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 13 (1), 450, 2004
Application of GIS to determine storage volume and surface area of reservoirs: the case study of Buyuk Karacay dam
A Irvem
Int J Nat Eng Sci 5, 39-43, 2011
Evaluation of satellite and reanalysis precipitation products using GIS for all basins in Turkey
A Irvem, M Ozbuldu
Advances in Meteorology 2019 (1), 4820136, 2019
Re-evaluation of trends in annual streamflows of Turkish rivers for the period 1968-2007
F Topaloğlu, A Irvem, M Özfidaner
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 21 (8), 2043-2050, 2012
Assessment of climate change impacts on water resources of Seyhan River Basin
L Tezcan, M Ekmekci, O Atilla, D Gürkan, O Yalçınkaya, O Namkhai, ...
The final report of impact of the climate changes on the agricultural …, 2007
Evaluation of streamflow simulation by SWAT model for the seyhan river basin
A İrvem, A El-sadek
Çukurova Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 33 (2), 99-110, 2018
Trends in Turkish monthly mean streamflow
A Irvem, F Topaloglu, M Ozfidaner
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 10 (3-4), 900-904, 2012
Seyhan nehri havzasında tarım güvenliği için su kaynakları sistemlerinin iklim değişikliğine karşı duyarlılıklarının araştırılması
L Tezcan, M Ekmekçi, Ö Atilla, D Gürkan, O Yalçınkaya, N Otgonbayar, ...
ICCAP Projesi Türk Grubu Sonuç Raporları, Kyoto, 1-24, 2007
Evaluation of flood simulation for zeyzoun dam-break in Syria using HEC-RAS model
A Irvem, M Ozbuldu
Fresenius Environ. Bull 29, 1250-1255, 2020
The Use of GIS in hydrological studies: Applications in part of Seyhan River Basin
A Irvem
Proceedings of the kick-off workshop for the research project on the impact …, 2002
Evaluating the effect of the statistical downscaling method on monthly precipitation estimates of global climate models
M Ozbuldu, A Irvem
GlobalNEST International Journal 23 (2), 232-240, 2021
Seyhan Göksu-Himmetli alt-havzasının akım verileri ile kuraklık analizi
M Özbuldu, A İrvem, C Çıplak
Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 23 (2), 148-157, 2018
Identification of flood risk area in the Orontes river basin, Turkey, using multi-criteria decision analyses
A İrvem, F Topaloǧlu
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 10 (3), 895-899, 2012
Dynamic transpiration of highly-stressed container-grown Acer rubrum..
TH Short, A Irvem, RC Hansen
Regional drought analysis for the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey using run and SPI method
A Saglamoglu, A Irvem
Fresenius Environ Bull 26, 1256-1262, 2020
Transpiration of container-grown Acer Rubrum under conditions of high evaporative demand
TH Short, A Irvem, RC Hansen
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 15 (5), 553-557, 1999
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