Ensiklopedia Flora Yuzammi, JR Witono, S Hidayat, T Handayani, S Sugiarti, Mursidawati, ... Ensiklopedia Flora, 2010 | 62* | 2010 |
Diversity, potential and conservation of annonaceae in Bogor Botanic Gardens, Indonesia TRI HANDAYANI Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 19 (2), 541-553, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Diversity and growth behavior of Nepenthes (pitcher plants) inTanjung Putting National Park, Central Kalimantan Province T Handayani, D Latifah, Dodo Biodiversitas, 2005 | 18 | 2005 |
Flower morphology, floral development and insect visitors to flowers of Nepenthes mirabilis TRI Handayani Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 18 (4), 1624-1631, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
Perbanyakan Tanaman Kantong Semar (Nepenthes spp.) dengan Setek Batang T Handayani Prosiding Seminar Hari Cinta Puspa dan Satwa Nasional, 171-175, 2000 | 10 | 2000 |
Musim berbunga dan berbuah jenis-jenis tanaman koleksi suku Annonaceae di Kebun Raya Bogor T Handayani Botanic Gardens Bulletin 19 (2), 91-104, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Perilaku Tumbuh Kantong Semar (Nepenthes mirabilis Druce) di Habitat Alaminya, Taman Nasional Kutai, Kalimantan Timur T Handayani, IP Astuti Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 22 (3), 122-128, 2006 | 9 | 2006 |
Aren Budidaya dan Prospeknya D Mujahidin, D Latifah, T Handayani, IA Fijidianto Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Raya Bogor, Bogor, 2003 | 9 | 2003 |
Konservasi nepenthes di kebun raya indonesia T Handayani IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1999 | 7 | 1999 |
The peculiar petiole calluses growth of Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc. ex Arcang and its implications for ex situ conservation efforts Y Yuzammi, KN Tyas, T Handayani Biotropia 25 (1), 56-63, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Seed germination and seedling morphology of Artabotrys hexapetalus T Handayani Nusantara Bioscience 9 (1), 23-30, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Studi Perilaku Perkecambahan Biji dan Morfologi Pertumbuhan Semai Kenanga (Cananga Odorata (Lam) Hook. f. et. Thomson) T Handayani Buletin Kebun Raya Indonesia 11 (1), 23-29, 2008 | 6 | 2008 |
Perkecambahan spora paku pohon (Cyathea contaminans (Wall. ex Hook.) Copel) pada berbagai media tumbuh T Handayani, S Hartini BioSMART 5 (2), 111-114, 2003 | 3 | 2003 |
Observation of morphology of Nepenthes mirabilis picher or various growth location T Handayani | | 2012 |
Seeds germination of ten species of Annonaceae T Handayani BioSMART: Journal of Biological Science 6 (2), 2004 | | 2004 |
TINJAUAN KEGUNAAN TRENGGULI DAN KEMUNGKINAN PELESTARIANNYA T Handayani, Y Yuzammi Warta Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 3 (4), 1997 | | 1997 |
KAJIAN POLA DAN PEMACUAN PERKECAMBAHAN BIJI Pitrosporttm moluccanum (Lam.) Miq. T Handayani | | |