Konstantine P. Georgakakos
Konstantine P. Georgakakos
Hydrologic Research Center and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
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Analysis of model-calculated soil moisture over the United States (1931–1993) and applications to long-range temperature forecasts
J Huang, HM van den Dool, KP Georgarakos
Journal of Climate 9 (6), 1350-1362, 1996
Towards the characterization of streamflow simulation uncertainty through multimodel ensembles
KP Georgakakos, DJ Seo, H Gupta, J Schaake, MB Butts
Journal of hydrology 298 (1-4), 222-241, 2004
National threshold runoff estimation utilizing GIS in support of operational flash flood warning systems
TM Carpenter, JA Sperfslage, KP Georgakakos, T Sweeney, DL Fread
Journal of hydrology 224 (1-2), 21-44, 1999
Chaos in rainfall
I Rodriguez‐Iturbe, B Febres De Power, MB Sharifi, KP Georgakakos
Water resources research 25 (7), 1667-1675, 1989
A Monte Carlo study of rainfall sampling effect on a distributed catchment model
WF Krajewski, V Lakshmi, KP Georgakakos, SC Jain
Water Resources Research 27 (1), 119-128, 1991
Analytical results for operational flash flood guidance
KP Georgakakos
Journal of Hydrology 317 (1-2), 81-103, 2006
Impacts of parametric and radar rainfall uncertainty on the ensemble streamflow simulations of a distributed hydrologic model
TM Carpenter, KP Georgakakos
Journal of Hydrology 298 (1-4), 202-221, 2004
Intercomparison of lumped versus distributed hydrologic model ensemble simulations on operational forecast scales
TM Carpenter, KP Georgakakos
Journal of hydrology 329 (1-2), 174-185, 2006
Large-scale aspects of the United States hydrologic cycle
JO Roads, SC Chen, AK Guetter, KP Georgakakos
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 75 (9), 1589-1610, 1994
Value of adaptive water resources management in Northern California under climatic variability and change: Reservoir management
AP Georgakakos, H Yao, M Kistenmacher, KP Georgakakos, NE Graham, ...
Journal of Hydrology 412, 34-46, 2012
On the parametric and NEXRAD-radar sensitivities of a distributed hydrologic model suitable for operational use
TM Carpenter, KP Georgakakos, JA Sperfslagea
Journal of Hydrology 253 (1-4), 169-193, 2001
A hydrologically useful station precipitation model: 1. Formulation
KP Georgakakos, RL Bras
Water Resources Research 20 (11), 1585-1596, 1984
On the design of national, real-time warning systems with capability for site-specific, flash-flood forecasts
KP Georgakakos
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 67 (10), 1233-1239, 1986
A generalized stochastic hydrometeorological model for flood and flash‐flood forecasting: 1. Formulation
KP Georgakakos
Water Resources Research 22 (13), 2083-2095, 1986
Quantitative precipitation forecast techniques for use in hydrologic forecasting
KP Georgakakos, MD Hudlow
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 65 (11), 1186-1200, 1984
Estimating the dimension of weather and climate attractors: important issues about the procedure and interpretation
AA Tsonis, JB Elsner, KP Georgakakos
Journal of atmospheric sciences 50 (15), 2549-2555, 1993
Evidence of deterministic chaos in the pulse of storm rainfall
MB Sharifi, KP Georgakakos, I Rodriguez-Iturbe
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 47 (7), 888-893, 1990
Precipitation structure in the Sierra Nevada of California during winter
GR Pandey, DR Cayan, KP Georgakakos
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D10), 12019-12030, 1999
Assessment of Folsom lake response to historical and potential future climate scenarios: 1. Forecasting
TM Carpenter, KP Georgakakos
Journal of Hydrology 249 (1-4), 148-175, 2001
Climate change and water resources management in the Upper Santa Cruz River, Arizona
E Shamir, SB Megdal, C Carrillo, CL Castro, HI Chang, K Chief, ...
Journal of Hydrology 521, 18-33, 2015
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