Branching rules revisited T Achterberg, T Koch, A Martin Operations Research Letters 33 (1), 42-54, 2005 | 761 | 2005 |
MIPLIB 2010: Mixed integer programming library version 5 T Koch, T Achterberg, E Andersen, O Bastert, T Berthold, RE Bixby, ... Mathematical Programming Computation 3, 103-163, 2011 | 524 | 2011 |
The SCIP optimization suite 5.0 A Gleixner, L Eifler, T Gally, G Gamrath, P Gemander, RL Gottwald, ... | 392 | 2017 |
A novel nemaline myopathy in the Amish caused by a mutation in troponin T1 JJ Johnston, RI Kelley, TO Crawford, DH Morton, R Agarwala, T Koch, ... The American Journal of Human Genetics 67 (4), 814-821, 2000 | 363 | 2000 |
Solving Steiner tree problems in graphs to optimality T Koch, A Martin Networks: An International Journal 32 (3), 207-232, 1998 | 356 | 1998 |
MIPLIB 2003 T Achterberg, T Koch, A Martin Operations Research Letters 34 (4), 361-372, 2006 | 344 | 2006 |
The SCIP optimization suite 7.0 G Gamrath, D Anderson, K Bestuzheva, WK Chen, L Eifler, M Gasse, ... | 303 | 2020 |
Evaluating gas network capacities T Koch, B Hiller, ME Pfetsch, L Schewe Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2015 | 271 | 2015 |
MIPLIB 2017: data-driven compilation of the 6th mixed-integer programming library A Gleixner, G Hendel, G Gamrath, T Achterberg, M Bastubbe, T Berthold, ... Mathematical Programming Computation 13 (3), 443-490, 2021 | 255 | 2021 |
Constraint integer programming: A new approach to integrate CP and MIP T Achterberg, T Berthold, T Koch, K Wolter International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and …, 2008 | 253 | 2008 |
Rapid mathematical programming T Koch Technische Universität Berlin, 2004 | 245 | 2004 |
The SCIP optimization suite 8.0 K Bestuzheva, M Besançon, WK Chen, A Chmiela, T Donkiewicz, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.08872, 2021 | 243 | 2021 |
SteinLib: An updated library on Steiner tree problems in graphs T Koch, A Martin, S Voß Steiner Trees in Industries, 285-326, 2001 | 234 | 2001 |
Mutant deoxynucleotide carrier is associated with congenital microcephaly MJ Rosenberg, R Agarwala, G Bouffard, J Davis, G Fiermonte, MS Hilliard, ... Nature genetics 32 (1), 175-179, 2002 | 179 | 2002 |
Validation of nominations in gas network optimization: models, methods, and solutions ME Pfetsch, A Fügenschuh, B Geißler, N Geißler, R Gollmer, B Hiller, ... Optimization Methods and Software 30 (1), 15-53, 2015 | 163 | 2015 |
Solving mixed integer linear and nonlinear problems using the SCIP Optimization Suite T Berthold, G Gamrath, AM Gleixner, S Heinz, T Koch, Y Shinano ZIB-Report, 2012 | 148* | 2012 |
GasLib—A library of gas network instances M Schmidt, D Aßmann, R Burlacu, J Humpola, I Joormann, N Kanelakis, ... Data 2 (4), 40, 2017 | 143 | 2017 |
The scip optimization suite 3.2 G Gamrath, T Fischer, T Gally, A Gleixner, G Hendel, T Koch, SJ Maher, ... | 141 | 2016 |
Optimizing the landside operation of a container terminal G Froyland, T Koch, N Megow, E Duane, H Wren OR spectrum 30 (1), 53-75, 2008 | 119 | 2008 |
The SCIP optimization suite 4.0 SJ Maher, T Fischer, T Gally, G Gamrath, A Gleixner, RL Gottwald, ... | 115 | 2017 |