Eyewitness identification procedures: Recommendations for lineups and photospreads. GL Wells, M Small, S Penrod, RS Malpass, SM Fulero, CAE Brimacombe Law and Human behavior 22 (6), 603, 1998 | 1435 | 1998 |
State laws and policies to address bullying in schools SP Limber, MA Small School psychology review 32 (3), 445-455, 2003 | 399 | 2003 |
The effects of ethnic identity and acculturation in mental health of immigrants: A literature review A Balidemaj, M Small International Journal of Social Psychiatry 65 (7-8), 643-655, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
Legal psychology and therapeutic jurisprudence MA Small . Louis ULJ 37, 675, 1992 | 70 | 1992 |
Toward a child-centered, neighborhood-based child protection system: A report of the consortium on children, families, and the law. GB Melton, RA Thompson, MA Small Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002 | 49 | 2002 |
Training and careers in law and psychology: The perspective of students and graduates of dual degree programs TL Hafemeister, JRP Ogloff, MA Small Behavioral Sciences & the Law 8 (3), 263-283, 1990 | 42 | 1990 |
Acculturation, ethnic identity, and psychological well-being of Albanian-American immigrants in the United States A Balidemaj, M Small International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 11 (4), 712-730, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
Social psychology,‘marital rape exemptions’, and privacy MA Small, PA Tetreault Behavioral Sciences & the Law 8 (2), 141-149, 1990 | 33 | 1990 |
Liability issues in child abuse and neglect reporting statutes. MA Small, PM Lyons Jr, LS Guy Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 33 (1), 13, 2002 | 32 | 2002 |
Advancing psychological jurisprudence MA Small Behavioral Sciences & the Law 11 (1), 3-16, 1993 | 30 | 1993 |
Policy review of child abuse and neglect reporting statutes MA Small Law & Policy 14 (2‐3), 129-152, 1992 | 29 | 1992 |
Evaluations of competency to be executed: Legal contours and implications for assessment MA Small, RK Otto Criminal Justice and Behavior 18 (2), 146-158, 1991 | 29 | 1991 |
Trajectories of dating violence victimization and perpetration among rural adolescents N Sianko, D Kunkel, MP Thompson, MA Small, JR McDonell Journal of youth and adolescence 48, 2360-2376, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Pass one for the gipper: Student-athletes and university coursework J Raney, T Knapp, M Small Arena Review 7 (3), 53-60, 1983 | 22 | 1983 |
Confidentiality and informed consent in psychotherapy: Clinicians' knowledge and practices in Florida and Nebraska. RK Otto, JR Ogloff, MA Small Forensic Reports, 1991 | 21 | 1991 |
Undergraduate education in legal psychology SF Fulero, E Greene, V Hans, MT Nietzel, MA Small, LS Wrightsman Law and Human Behavior 23, 137-153, 1999 | 18 | 1999 |
Evaluation of child witnesses for confrontation by criminal defendants. MA Small, GB Melton Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 25 (3), 228, 1994 | 15 | 1994 |
Advocacy for children’s rights MA Small, SP Limber Children, Social Sciences and the Law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge …, 2002 | 14 | 2002 |
Everyday life and legal values: A concept paper NJ Finkel, SM Fulero, JJ Haugaard, M Levine, MA Small Law and Human Behavior 25, 109-123, 2001 | 14 | 2001 |
Obstacles and advocacy in children's mental health services: Managing the Medicaid maze MA Small Behavioral sciences & the law 9 (2), 179-188, 1991 | 14 | 1991 |