Endro Setyo Cahyono
Endro Setyo Cahyono
在 mipa.unsri.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Prediction and classification of low birth weight data using machine learning techniques
A Faruk, ES Cahyono, N Eliyati, I Arifieni
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology 3 (1), 18-28, 2018
Model of demand robust counterpart open capacitated vehicle routing problem (DRC-OCVRP) simplification by applying preprocessing techniques in rubbish controlling in Sematang …
FM Puspita, ES Cahyono, S Rahayu, BL Sintia
E3S Web of Conferences 68, 01025, 2018
Optimasi Kendaraan Pengangkut Sampah di Kecamatan Kertapati Menggunakan Pemrograman Bilangan Bulat
E Susanti, ES Cahyono, O Dwipurwani
Jurnal Jurnal 7 (2), 119-123, 2017
3-phase matheuristic model in two-dimensional cutting stock problem of triangular shape items
PBJ Bangun, S Octarina, SP Sepriliani, L Hanum
Science and Technology Indonesia 5 (1), 23-27, 2020
The modified branch and bound algorithm and dotted board model for triangular shape items
S Octarina, M Janna, ES Cahyono, PBJ Bangun, L Hanum
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1480 (1), 012065, 2020
Optimasi Produksi Dan Analisis Sensitivitas Menggunakan Algoritma Titik Interior (Studi Kasus: UP2K Melati, Prabumulih)
A Kuntari, S Octarina, ES Cahyono
Jurnal Matematika Integratif ISSN 1412, 6184, 2015
Analisis Kestabilan Model Epidemik SIR untuk Penyakit Tuberkulosis
H A’maludin, A Faruk, ES Cahyono
Prosiding SEMIRATA Bidang MIPA, 207-213, 2016
BVU-Net: A U-net modification by VGG-batch normalization for retinal blood vessel segmentation
AD Erwin, BSY Wahyudi, ES Cahyono, M Arhami
Fitting the first birth interval in Indonesia using weibull proportional hazards model
A Faruk, ES Cahyono, N Eliyati
CAUCHY: Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi 5 (2), 55-63, 2018
Pembinaan Tes Potensi Akademik Bagi Guru Dan Siswa Sma Inderalaya
H Hanum
Jurnal Pengabdian Sriwijaya 8 (1), 965-970, 2020
Analysis of dengue fever disease transmission using suspected-infected-recovered (SIR) model
ES Cahyono, A Faruk, B Suprihatin
Journal of physics: conference series 1282 (1), 012013, 2019
Aplikasi Regresi Cox Metode Backward untuk Menduga Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Waktu Kelulusan Mahasiswa Bidik Misi Unsri
SI Maiyanti, ES Cahyono, N Eliyati
PRISMA, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika, 418-426, 2016
Auxiliary information based exponentially weighted moving coefficient of variation control chart using regression estimator (AIB-EWMCVReg)
ES Cahyono, MA Nuriman
AIP Conference Proceedings 2689 (1), 2023
Combination Contrast Stretching and Adaptive Thresholding for Retinal Blood Vessel Image
A Desiani, I Irmeilyana, ES Cahyono, S Yahdin, M Arhami, I Andrian
MATRIK: Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer 22 (1), 1-12, 2022
A non-proportional hazards model with time-dependent variables for under-five mortality in Indonesia
A Faruk, E Syahputra, ES Cahyono, SM Aisyah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1282 (1), 012011, 2019
Penerapan Metode Algoritma Wagner-Within untuk Menentukan Kebijakan Lot Pemesanan
N Amelia
Skripsi Sarjana pada Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam …, 2017
Optimization of temporary disposal facilities location with set covering problem model and ant colony optimization algorithm in Ilir Barat I District Palembang
PBJ Bangun, S Octarina, KV Rachman, ES Cahyono, L Hanum, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 3046 (1), 2024
Region grouping in South Sumatera province based on the similarity of Covid-19 cases
H Hanum, D Cahyawati, ES Cahyono, D Fadilla
AIP Conference Proceedings 2913 (1), 2023
Klasifikasi Gejala Awal Covid-19 dengan Algoritma Classification and Regression Tree (Cart)
A Alamsyah, A Desiani, ES Cahyono
KOMPUTEK 7 (2), 67-76, 2023
Markov chain transition probabilities for Covid-19 cases in Ogan Ilir Regency
D Cahyawati, A Apriani, H Hanum, ES Cahyono
AIP Conference Proceedings 2811 (1), 2023
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