István Grigorszky
István Grigorszky
University of Debrecen, Department of Hydrobiology
在 science.unideb.hu 的电子邮件经过验证
Use of phytoplankton assemblages for monitoring ecological status of lakes within the Water Framework Directive: the assemblage index
J Padisák, G Borics, I Grigorszky, É Soróczki-Pintér
Hydrobiologia 553, 1-14, 2006
Dominant species, functional assemblages and frequency of equilibrium phases in late summer phytoplankton assemblages in Hungarian small shallow lakes
J Padisák, G Borics, G Fehér, I Grigorszky, I Oldal, A Schmidt, ...
Hydrobiologia 502, 157-168, 2003
A new evaluation technique of potamo-plankton for the assessment of the ecological status of rivers
G Borics, G Várbíró, I Grigorszky, E KRASZNAI, S Szabó, ...
Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Supplementband. Large rivers 17 (3-4), 465-486, 2007
Capillary electrophoretic assay and purification of cylindrospermopsin, a cyanobacterial toxin from Aphanizomenon ovalisporum, by plant test (Blue-Green Sinapis Test)
G Vasas, A Gáspár, G Surányi, G Batta, G Gyémánt, M Márta, C Máthé, ...
Analytical Biochemistry 302 (1), 95-103, 2002
Reconstructing hydrological variability from testate amoebae analysis in Carpathian peatlands
C Schnitchen, DJ Charman, E Magyari, M Braun, I Grigorszky, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 36, 1-17, 2006
Algal assemblage types of bog-lakes in Hungary and their relation to water chemistry, hydrological conditions and habitat diversity
G Borics, B Tóthmérész, I Grigorszky, J Padisák, G Várbíró, S Szabó
Phytoplankton and Equilibrium Concept: The Ecology of Steady-State …, 2003
Microcystin-LR alters the growth, anthocyanin content and single-stranded DNase enzyme activities in Sinapis alba L. seedlings
M Márta, C Máthé, E Molnár, G Vasas, I Grigorszky, G Borbely
Aquatic toxicology 62 (1), 1-9, 2003
Phytoplankton associations in a small hypertrophic fishpond in East Hungary during a change from bottom-up to top-down control
G Borics, I Grigorszky, S Szabó, J Padisák
The Trophic Spectrum Revisited: The Influence of Trophic State on the …, 2000
Alteration of cylindrospermopsin production in sulfate- or phosphate-starved cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum
I Bácsi, G Vasas, G Surányi, M M-Hamvas, C Máthé, E Tóth, I Grigorszky, ...
FEMS microbiology letters 259 (2), 303-310, 2006
Functional diversity of phytoplankton highlights long‐term gradual regime shift in the middle section of the Danube River due to global warming, human impacts and oligotrophication
A Abonyi, E Acs, A Hidas, I Grigorszky, G Várbíró, G Borics, KT Kiss
Freshwater Biology 63 (5), 456-472, 2018
Phytoplankton succession in the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin (Germany) in 1994 and 1995
J Padisák, L Krienitz, W Scheffler, R Koschel, J Kristiansen, I Grigorszky
Hydrobiologia 369, 179-197, 1998
The role of phytoplankton diversity metrics in shallow lake and river quality assessment
G Borics, J Görgényi, I Grigorszky, Z László-Nagy, B Tóthmérész, ...
Ecological indicators 45, 28-36, 2014
Which factors affect phytoplankton biomass in shallow eutrophic lakes?
G Borics, L Nagy, S Miron, I Grigorszky, Z László-Nagy, BA Lukács, ...
Hydrobiologia 714, 93-104, 2013
Factors controlling the occurrence of Dinophyta species in Hungary
I Grigorszky, G Borics, J Padisák, B Tótmérész, G Vasas, S Nagy, ...
Hydrobiologia 506, 203-207, 2003
Functional phytoplankton distribution in hypertrophic systems across water body size
G Borics, B Tóthmérész, G Várbíró, I Grigorszky, A Czébely, J Görgényi
Hydrobiologia 764, 81-90, 2016
Signatures of habitats and life in Earth’s high-altitude lakes: clues to Noachian aqueous environments on Mars
NA Cabrol, CP McKay, EA Grin, KT Kiss, É Ács, B Tóth, I Grigorszky, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2009
The Effects of Temperature, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus on the Encystment of Peridinium cinctum, Stein (Dinophyta)
I Grigorszky, KT Kiss, V Béres, I Bácsi, M M-Hamvas, C Máthé, G Vasas, ...
Hydrobiologia 563, 527-535, 2006
The relationship between phytoplankton species dominance and environmental variables in a shallow lake (Lake Vrana, Croatia)
M Gligora, A PlenkovićMoraj, K Kialj, I Grigorszky, D Peroš-Pucar
Shallow Lakes in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 5th International …, 2007
Improvement of the ecological water qualification system of rivers based on the first results of the Hungarian phytobenthos surveillance monitoring
G Várbíró, G Borics, B Csányi, G Fehér, I Grigorszky, KT Kiss, A Tóth, ...
Hydrobiologia 695, 125-135, 2012
Deep chlorophyll maximum by Ceratium hirundinella (O. F. Müller) Bergh in a shallow oxbow in Hungary
I Grigorszky, J Padisák, G Borics, C Schitchen, G Borbély
Hydrobiologia 506, 209-212, 2003
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