M.J. Dewiyani Sunarto
M.J. Dewiyani Sunarto
Universitas Dinamika
在 dinamika.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Improving students soft skills using thinking process profile based on personality types
MJ Sunarto
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) 4 (3 …, 2015
Development of web-based learning application for generation Z
B Hariadi, MJ Sunarto, P Sudarmaningtyas
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) 5 (1 …, 2016
Blended web mobile learning (BWML) model to improve students’ higher order thinking skills
B Prahani, B Jatmiko, B Hariadi, D Sunarto, T Sagirani, T Amelia, ...
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (11), 42-55, 2020
Hybrid learning by using brilian applications as one of the learning alternatives to improve learning outcomes in college
B Hariadi, MJ Sunarto, P Sudarmaningtyas
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 14 (10), 34-45, 2019
TA: Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pendataan Jemaat Gereja Masehi Advent Hari Ketujuh Konferens Jawa Kawasan Timur Berbasis WEB
Y Yuliawan
STIKOM Surabaya, 2013
Higher Order Thinking Skills Based Learning Outcomes Improvement with Blended Web Mobile Learning Model.
B Hariadi, B Jatmiko, MJ Sunarto, BK Prahani, T Sagirani, T Amelia, ...
International Journal of Instruction 15 (2), 565-578, 2022
MoLearn, a web-and android-based learning application as an alternative for teaching-learning process in high schools
MJ Sunarto, B Hariadi, T Sagirani, T Amelia, J Lemantara
International Journal of Instruction 13 (1), 53-70, 2020
TA: Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Penerimaan Aplikasi Brilian Dengan Model UTAUT
AM Banjuradja
Stikom Surabaya, 2015
Profil proses berpikir mahasiswa tipe kepribadian sensing dalam memecahkan masalah logika Matematika
MJ Sunarto, IK Budayasa, D Juniati
Cakrawala Pendidikan 36 (2), 299-308, 2017
Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai pada Badan Kepegawaian dan Diklat Surabaya
DM Agustina, MJD Sunarto, K Jatmiko
Jurnal Sistem informasi dan Komputer Akuntansi 2 (2), 1-6, 2013
Higher order thinking skills for improved learning outcomes among indonesian students: A blended web mobile learning (BWML) model
B Hariadi, MJ Sunarto, T Sagirani, T Amelia, J Lemantara, BK Prahani, ...
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) 15 (07), 4-16, 2021
Prototype of online examination on MoLearn applications using text similarity to detect plagiarism
J Lemantara, MJD Sunarto, B Hariadi, T Sagirani, T Amelia
2018 5th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and …, 2018
The readiness of lecturers in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at the faculty of information technology and the faculty of economics and business
MJ Sunarto
International Journal of Recent Educational Research (IJORER) 2 (1), 54-63, 2021
Inculcation Method of Character Education Based on Personality Types Classification in Realizing Indonesia Golden Generation
MJ Sunarto, T Sagirani
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Edu 3 (2), 91-98, 2014
TA: Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Website Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Berdasarkan Metode Webqual 4.0 Pada Universitas Narotama
EA Wawolumaja
Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Stikom Surabaya, 2016
Initialization requirement in developing of mobile learning ‘Molearn’for biology students using inquiry-based learning
MJD Sunarto, B Hariadi, T Amelia, T Sagirani
2017 international conference on applied system innovation (ICASI), 1865-1867, 2017
Aplikasi Belajar Menulis Untuk Anak Prasekolah Berbasis Android
HS Hendrawan, MJD Sunarto, T Sutanto
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika (JSIKA) 1 (1), 2012
Change unplanned into planned online learning: An effort to follow health protocols at an information technology college during the Covid-19 pandemic period
MJD Sunarto
Studies in Learning and Teaching 2 (1), 16-28, 2021
Prototype of mobile learning application (MoLearn) by utilizing the gamification concept
T Sagirani, MJD Sunarto, B Hariadi, T Amelia, J Lemantara
2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology …, 2018
Menanamkan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Perbedaan Tipe Kepribadian pada Mata Kuliah Matriks dan Transformasi Linear di Stikom Surabaya
MJ Sunarto
Edumatica 1 (02), 25-34, 2011
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