Supporting self-regulated learning A Nussbaumer, I Dahn, S Kroop, A Mikroyannidis, D Albert Responsive open learning environments: outcomes of research from the Role …, 2015 | 53 | 2015 |
4 Digital Social Innovation U Holtgrewe, S Kroop, M Schwarz-Wölzl Exploring the Research Landscape of Social Innovation, 44, 2017 | 31* | 2017 |
Responsive open learning environments: outcomes of research from the ROLE project S Kroop, A Mikroyannidis, M Wolpers Springer Nature, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
Personal learning environments (PLEs): Visions and concepts A Mikroyannidis, S Kroop, M Wolpers Responsive open learning environments: Outcomes of research from the ROLE …, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Personalised Learning Envrionments. S Kroop, M Berthold, A Nussbaumer, D Albert WCLOUD, 47-52, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
Evaluation on Students' and Teachers' Acceptance of Widget-and Cloud-based Personal Learning Environments. S Kroop J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 19 (14), 2150-2171, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Motivating Collaborative Learning Activities by Using Existing Web 2.0 Tools S Kroop, A Nussbaumer Motivational and Affective Aspects of Technology Enhanced Learning and Web 2 …, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |
Processes and their Support in a Developing Interdisciplinary Learning Community R Motschnig-Pitrik, M Derntl, K Figl, S Kroop, S Logar, J Mangler, ... Proc. Networked Learning Conference, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Wissensorganisation im Medium zunehmender Komplexität. Der enzyklopädische Wandel vom 15.-20. Jahrhundert S Kroop na, 2008 | 2 | 2008 |
The CAPTOR project: joint efforts reducing ozone pollution S Kroop, T Schäfer, B Kieslinger Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016, 35, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Cloud Education Environment J. UCS Special Issue RH Rizzardini, HC Schmitz, A Mikroyannidis, CD Kloos Journal of Universal Computer Science 19 (14), 2034-2036, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |
Is iGoogle useful as Personal Learning Environment? S Kroop | 1 | 2011 |
A Cooperative Way to Learn" Comprehensible Writing S Kroop, J Mangler Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC'06 …, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
eLearning-Tools zur Verbesserung verständlichen Schreibens. S Kroop, J Mangler, R Hutterer, C Swertz Waxmann, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
eLearning Projekt" Verständlich Schreiben S Kroop, J Magler Tagungsband Forschung zu Blended eLearning: österreichische F&E Projekte und …, 2005 | 1 | 2005 |
Portfolio Evaluation FWF International Programmes A Degelsegger, I Wagner, S Kroop, J Rigby, D Cox, J Adams | | 2018 |
Portfolio Evaluation FWF International Programmes. Final Report A Degelsegger, I Wagner, S Kroop, J Rigby, D Cox | | 2017 |
DELIVERABLE 2.1 INDUSTRIAL DIALOGUE FORMAT K Granqvist, S Kroop, A Degelsegger | | 2016 |
Konsultationsprozess zum Grünbuch für eine integrierte Energie- und Klimastrategie. Endbericht. P Brugner, S Dobner, B Ecker, CM Fabian, J Feichtinger, H Gassler, ... | | 2016 |
ROLE Consortium: Research Institutions S Kroop Responsive Open Learning Environments, 241, 2015 | | 2015 |