Use of the Richards equation in land surface parameterizations DH Lee, LM Abriola Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D22), 27519-27526, 1999 | 57 | 1999 |
Determinations of suspended sediment concentrations from multiple day landsat and AVHRR data JG Lyon, KW Bedford, CCJ Yen, DH Lee, DJ Mark Remote Sensing of Environment 25 (1), 107-115, 1988 | 43 | 1988 |
Distributed-parameter large basin runoff model. II: Application TE Croley, C He, DH Lee Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 10 (3), 182-191, 2005 | 41 | 2005 |
EVALUATION OF GREAT LAKES NET BASIN SUPPLY FORECASTS1 TE Croley, DH Lee JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 29 (2), 267-282, 1993 | 35 | 1993 |
The Ohio river community HEC-RAS model T Adams, S Chen, R Davis, T Schade, D Lee World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change …, 2010 | 26 | 2010 |
Lake Erie phosphorus targets: An imperative for active adaptive management CA Stow, K Glassner-Shwayder, D Lee, L Wang, G Arhonditsis, ... Journal of Great Lakes Research 46 (3), 672-676, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Modification of Great Lakes regulation plans for simulation of maximum Lake Ontario outflows DH Lee, FH Quinn, D Sparks, JC Rassam Journal of Great Lakes Research 20 (3), 569-582, 1994 | 23 | 1994 |
Institutional and technical barriers to risk-based water resources management: A case study DH Lee Journal of water resources planning and management 125 (4), 186-193, 1999 | 20 | 1999 |
Analysis of changes in the Great Lakes hydro-climatic variables E Ehsanzadeh, HM Saley, TBMJ Ouarda, DH Burn, A Pietroniro, O Seidou, ... Journal of Great Lakes Research 39 (3), 383-394, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Storm and entrainment effects on tributary sediment loads DH Lee, KW Bedford, CCJ Yen Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 120 (1), 81-103, 1994 | 18 | 1994 |
Midlakes, a Coordinated Hydrologic Response Model for the Middle Great Lakes AH Clites, DH Lee US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …, 1998 | 17 | 1998 |
Assessing risk in operational decisions using Great Lakes probabilistic water level forecasts LEE DH, C AH, K JP Environmental management 21 (1), 43-58, 1997 | 15 | 1997 |
Establishing Opportunities and Limitations of Forecast Use in the Operational Management of Highly Constrained Multiobjective Water Systems K Semmendinger, D Lee, L Fry, S Steinschneider Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 148 (8), 04022044, 2022 | 11 | 2022 |
Effect of the Niagara river Chippawa Grass Island Pool on water levels of Lakes Erie, St. Clair, and Michigan-Huron DH Lee, FH Quinn, AH Clites Journal of Great Lakes Research 24 (4), 936-948, 1998 | 10 | 1998 |
Climate change impacts on western Lake Erie, Detroit River, and Lake St. Clair water levels DH Lee, R Moulton, BA Hibner Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environment Service; National Oceanic and …, 1996 | 10 | 1996 |
Climate change impacts on Great Lakes levels and flows DH Lee, FH Quinn Proceedings on the symposium, managing water resources during global change …, 1992 | 10 | 1992 |
Climate change impacts on Western Lake Erie, Detroit River, and Lake St DH Lee, R Moulton, DA Hibner Clair water levels: Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Basin Project, Environment …, 1996 | 9 | 1996 |
Effect and implications of differential isostatic rebound on Lake Superior's regulation limits DH Lee, CF Southam Journal of Great Lakes Research 20 (2), 407-415, 1994 | 7 | 1994 |
Computation of net basin supplies—A comparison of two methods DH Lee International Joint Commission levels reference study, Final Report Subtask …, 1992 | 7 | 1992 |
Suspended sediment concentrations as measured from multidate Landsat and AVHRR data J Lyon, K Bedford, JY Chien-Ching, D Lee, D Mark Remote Sensing of Environment 25, 107-115, 1988 | 6 | 1988 |