Massimo Rossi
Massimo Rossi
Senior Geological Advisor, Eni, Italy
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Late Miocene–Middle Pleistocene sequences in the Po Plain–Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy): the stratigraphic record of modification phases affecting a complex foreland basin
M Ghielmi, M Minervini, C Nini, S Rogledi, M Rossi
Marine and Petroleum Geology 42, 50-81, 2013
Sedimentary and tectonic evolution in the eastern Po-Plain and northern Adriatic Sea area from Messinian to Middle Pleistocene (Italy)
M Ghielmi, M Minervini, C Nini, S Rogledi, M Rossi, A Vignolo
Rendiconti Lincei 21, 131-166, 2010
The deep-water counterpart of the Messinian Lower Evaporites in the Apennine foredeep: the Fanantello section (Northern Apennines, Italy)
V Manzi, M Roveri, R Gennari, A Bertini, U Biffi, S Giunta, SM Iaccarino, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 251 (3-4), 470-499, 2007
New data for the kinematic interpretation of the Alps–Apennines junction (Northwestern Italy)
P Mosca, R Polino, S Rogledi, M Rossi
International Journal of Earth Sciences 99 (4), 833-849, 2010
Stress–strain–time numerical modelling of a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation: preliminary results
T Apuani, M Masetti, M Rossi
Quaternary international 171, 80-89, 2007
The Messinian salinity crisis: open problems and possible implications for Mediterranean petroleum systems
M Roveri, R Gennari, S Lugli, V Manzi, N Minelli, M Reghizzi, A Riva, ...
Petroleum Geoscience, 2016
New outcrop and subsurface data in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW-Italy): unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units and their relationships with basin-modification phases
M Rossi, P Mosca, R Polino, S Rogledi, U Biffi
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 115 (3), 305-335, 2009
Messinian and Pliocene erosional surfaces in the Po Plain-Adriatic Basin: Insights from allostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy in assessing play concepts related to …
M Rossi, M Minervini, M Ghielmi, S Rogledi
Marine and Petroleum Geology 66, 192-216, 2015
The Adriatic foreland record of Messinian events (central Adriatic sea, Italy)
M Roveri, A Boscolo Gallo, M Rossi, R Gennari, SM Iaccarino, S Lugli, ...
GeoActa 4 (139), 158, 2005
Late Eocene-Tortonian tectono-sedimentary evolution in the western part of the Padan basin (northern Italy)
M Orlando, S Dalla, C Visentin, M Gnaccolini, ME Rossi, G Papani, ...
Paleontologia i evolució, 341-362, 1992
Significance of the Messinian unconformity-bounded sequences in the apennic margin of the padan foreland basin, northern Italy (Preliminary results)
R Gelati, S Rogledi, ME Rossi
Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana 39, 319-323, 1987
Tectono-stratigraphic architecture of Messinian piggyback basins of Northern Apennines: the Emilia folds in the Reggio-Modena area and comparison with the Lombardia and Romagna …
M Rossi, S Rogledi, G Barbacini, D Casadei, S Iaccarino, G Papani
Bollettino della Società geologica italiana 1, 437-447, 2002
Sedimentary evolution of the Luna Field area, Calabria, southern Italy
M Roveri, A Bernasconi, ME Rossi, C Visentin
Generation, Accumulation and Production of Europe's Hydrocarbons 2, 217-224, 1992
The Salsomaggiore structure (Northwestern Apennine foothills, Italy): a Messinian mountain front shaped by mass-wasting products
A Artoni, G Papani, F Rizzini, M Calderoni, M Bernini, A Argnani, M Roveri, ...
GeoActa 3, 107-128, 2004
Relative sea-level changes, local tectonic settings and basin margin sedimentation in the interference zone between two orogenic belts: seismic stratigraphic examples from …
Fan deltas: Sedimentology and tectonic settings, 368-384, 1988
Latest Jurassic-Early Cretaceous deposits in the subsurface of the eastern Sirt basin (Libya): facies and relationships with tectonics and sea-level changes
ME Rossi, M Tonna, M Larbash
Symposium on the geology of Libya, 2211-2225, 1991
The Permian Rotliegend of the Netherlands
J Grötsch, R Gaupp
SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2011
Il Messiniano del margine Sudalpino-Padano: relazioni tra contesto strutturale e stratigrafico-deposizionale
R Fantoni, F Massari, M Minervini, S Rogledi, M Rossi
Geol. Insubr 6 (1), 95-108, 2001
Mass-transport deposits in confined wedge-top basins: surficial processes shaping the messinian orogenic wedge of Northern Apennine of Italy
A Artoni, M Bernini, G Papani, F Rizzini, G Barbacini, M Rossi, S Rogledi, ...
Italian journal of geosciences 129 (1), 101-118, 2010
The Castell’Arquato Basin: high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and stratal patterns of an uplifting margin in the Apennines foothills (Italy)
M Roveri, C Visentin, A Argnani, G Knezaurek, F Lottaroli, M Rossi, ...
Giornale di geologia 60, 323-325, 1998
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