Oimahmad Rahmonov
Oimahmad Rahmonov
Professor of geography, University of Silesia in Katowice
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The chemical composition of plant litter of black locust (Robinia pseudacacia L.) and its ecological role in sandy ecosystems
Rahmonov O.
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 29: 237-243, 2009
Environmental management and landscape transformation on self-heating coal-waste dumps in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin
A Abramowicz, O Rahmonov, R Chybiorz
Land 10 (1), 23, 2020
Vegetation succession over an area of a medieval ecological disaster. The case of the Błędów Desert, Poland
Rahmonov O., Oleś W.
Erdkunde, Vol. 64, 3: 241-255, 2010
Soil algal colonization and its ecological role in an environment polluted by past Zn–Pb mining and smelting activity
J Cabala, O Rahmonov, M Jablonska, E Teper
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 215, 339-348, 2011
Towards improving the Central Asian dendrochronological network—new data from Tajikistan, Pamir-Alay
M Opała, T Niedźwiedź, O Rahmonov, P Owczarek, Ł Małarzewski
Dendrochronologia 41, 10-23, 2017
Chemical composition of the leaves of Reynoutria japonica Houtt. and soil features in polluted areas
O Rahmonov, A Czylok, A Orczewska, L Majgier, T Parusel
Central European Journal of Biology 9, 320-330, 2014
Vegetation-and environmental changes on non-reclaimed spoil heaps in Southern Poland
O Rahmonov, R Krzysztofik, D Środek, J Smolarek-Lach
Biology 9 (7), 164, 2020
Relacje między roślinnością i glebą w inicjalnych fazie sukcesji na obszarach piaszczystych (Relations between vegetation and soil in initial phase of succession in sandy areas)
O Rahmonov/Rachmonow
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice, 2007
Biological diversity in the area of quarries after sand exploitation in the eastern part of Silesian Upland
Czylok A., Rahmonov O., Szymczyk A.
Teka Komisji Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska Przyrodniczego, 5A: 15-22, 2008
Features of abandoned cemetery soils on sandy substrates in Northern Poland
L Majgier, O Rahmonov, R Bednarek
Eurasian Soil Science 47, 621-629, 2014
Sand Colonization and Initiation of Soil Development by Cyanobacteria and Algae
Rahmonov, O., Piątek, J.
Ekologia (Bratislava)/Ekológia (Bratislava), 26(1), 51–62, 2007
Selected chemical properties of Necrosols from the abandoned cemeteries Słabowo and Szymonka (Great Mazurian Lakes District)
L Majgier, O Rahmonov
Bulletin of Geography: Physical Geography Series 5 (1), 2012
Historical and contemporary forest ecosystem changes in the Beskid Mountains (southern Poland) between 1848 and 2014
M Sobala, O Rahmonov, U Myga-Piatek
IForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 10 (6), 939, 2017
Unikatowe układy fitocenotyczne w wyrobiskach wschodniej części województwa katowickiego
O Czylok, A., Rahmonow
Kształtowanie środowiska geograficznego i ochrona przyrody na obszarach …, 1996
Vegetation as an indicator of underground smoldering fire on coal-waste dumps
A Abramowicz, O Rahmonov, R Chybiorz, J Ciesielczuk
Fire Safety Journal 121, 103287, 2021
The human impact on the transformation of juniper forest landscape in the western part of the Pamir-Alay range (Tajikistan)
O Rahmonov, T Szczypek, T Niedźwiedź, U Myga-Piątek, M Rahmonov, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-17, 2017
Variations in the Chemical Composition of Bottom Deposits in Anthropogenic Lakes.
M Rzętala, A Jaguś, MA Rzętala, O Rahmonov, M Rahmonov, V Khak
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 22 (6), 2013
The Properties of Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia L. to Selectively Accumulate Chemical Elements from Soils of Ecologically Transformed Areas
D Środek, O Rahmonov
Forests 13 (1), 7, 2021
Kamieniołomy w województwie śląskim jako obiekty turystyczno-rekreacyjne na terenach uprzemysłowionych
Majgier L., Badera J., Rahmonov O.
Problemy ekologii krajobrazu, Tom XXVII, 267-275, 2010
Relations between vegetation and soil in initial succession phases in post-sand excavations
Rahmonov, O., Szymczyk A.
Ekológia (Bratislava), 29,4:412-429, 2010
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