Lisa Schröder
Lisa Schröder
Professor of childhood pedagogy, University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal
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Early reminiscing in cultural contexts: Cultural models, maternal reminiscing styles, and children's memories
L Schröder, H Keller, J Kärtner, A Kleis, M Abels, RD Yovsi, N Chaudhary, ...
Journal of Cognition and Development 14 (1), 10-34, 2013
Socialization of past event talk: Cultural differences in maternal elaborative reminiscing
P Tõugu, T Tulviste, L Schröder, H Keller, B De Geer
Cognitive Development 26 (2), 142-154, 2011
Sticking out and fitting in: Culture-specific predictors of 3-year-olds’ autobiographical memories during joint reminiscing
L Schröder, J Kärtner, H Keller, N Chaudhary
Infant Behavior and Development 35 (4), 627-634, 2012
Mobility concepts and access to health care in a rural district in Germany: a mixed methods approach
L Schröder, K Flägel, K Goetz, J Steinhäuser
BMC Family Practice 19, 1-10, 2018
Cultural expressions of preschoolers’ emerging self: Narrative and iconic representations
L Schröder, H Keller, P Tõugu, T Tulviste, M Lenk, S Schwarzer, ...
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 10 (1), 77-95, 2011
Children's and mothers' contribution to joint reminiscing in different sociocultural contexts: Who speaks and what is said
T Tulviste, P Tõugu, H Keller, L Schröder, B De Geer
Infant and Child Development 25 (1), 43-63, 2016
Kultursensitive Entwicklungspsychologie (0–6 Jahre): Grundlagen und Praxis für pädagogische Arbeitsfelder
J Borke, B Lamm, L Schröder
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019
Interkulturelle Praxis in der Kita
J Borke, P Döge, I Grünheid, HB Gundlach, N Haddou, K Herrmann, ...
Verlag Herder GmbH, 2015
Parent-child conversations in three urban middle-class contexts: Mothers and fathers reminisce with their daughters and sons in Costa Rica, Mexico, and Germany
L Schröder, H Keller, A Kleis
Actualidades en psicología 27 (115), 49-73, 2013
Structure and Bonding of the Mixed‐Valent Platinum Trihalides, PtCl3 and PtBr3
HG von Schnering, JH Chang, M Freiberg, K Peters, EM Peters, A Ormeci, ...
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 630 (1), 109-116, 2004
Zur Chemie und Strukturchemie von Phosphiden und Polyphosphiden. 581) Tetrabariumtriphosphid, Ba4P3: Darstellung und Kristallstruktur
C Hadenfeldt, HU Terschüren, W Hönle, L Schröder, HG Von Schnering
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 619 (5), 843-848, 1993
Emotion talk during mother–child reminiscing and book sharing and children’s socioemotional competence: Evidence from Costa Rica and Germany
AM Carmiol, L Schröder
Culture and Brain 7 (2), 126-147, 2019
Teachers’ conversational style and children’s language development in German childcare centers: A culture-sensitive intervention
L Schröder, A Dintsioudi, MK List, H Keller
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 50 (2), 164-184, 2019
Motivational basis of body contact: A multicultural study of mothers with their three-month-old infants
J Hofer, L Schröder, H Keller
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 (5), 858-876, 2012
Alltagsbasierte Sprachbildung
L Schröder, H Keller
Nifbe, 2012
Telling a “baby story”: Mothers narrating their pre-schoolers' past across two cultural contexts
L Schröder, J Kärtner, H Keller
Memory 23 (1), 39-54, 2015
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Cs2HgPdCl6, eine Verzerrungsvariante der Chloroperowskite
L Schröder, HL Keller
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 603 (1), 69-76, 1991
Content of maternal open-ended questions and statements in reminiscing with their 4-year-olds: Links with independence and interdependence orientation in European contexts
P Tõugu, T Tulviste, L Schröder, H Keller, B De Geer
Memory 20 (5), 499-510, 2012
Kulturelle Heterogenität in Kitas. Weiterbildungsformate für Fachkräfte. Eine Expertise der Weiterbildungsinitiative Frühpädagogische Fachkräfte (WiFF)
H Otto, L Schröder, A Gernhardt
München: Deutsches Jugendinstitut, 2013
Kulturelle Heterogenität in Kitas. Weiterbildungsformate für Fachkräfte
H Otto, L Schröder, A Gernhardt
Reihe: WiFF Expertisen 32, 2013
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