Virginia Tompkins
Virginia Tompkins
Professor of Psychology, The Ohio State University
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Exploring factors related to preschool teachers’ self-efficacy
Y Guo, LM Justice, B Sawyer, V Tompkins
Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (5), 961-968, 2011
Inference generation, story comprehension, and language skills in the preschool years
V Tompkins, Y Guo, LM Justice
Reading and Writing 26, 403-429, 2013
The relation between parents' mental state talk and children's social understanding: A meta‐analysis
V Tompkins, JP Benigno, B Kiger Lee, BM Wright
Social Development 27 (2), 223-246, 2018
Language and theory of mind in preschool children with specific language impairment
MJ Farrar, B Johnson, V Tompkins, M Easters, A Zilisi-Medus, JP Benigno
Journal of communication disorders 42 (6), 428-441, 2009
Inferential talk during teacher–child interactions in small-group play
V Tompkins, TA Zucker, LM Justice, S Binici
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 28 (2), 424-436, 2013
Are there different pathways to explicit false belief understanding? General language and complementation in typical and atypical children
MJ Farrar, JP Benigno, V Tompkins, NA Gage
Cognitive Development 43, 49-66, 2017
Maternal inferential input and children's language skills
V Tompkins, A Bengochea, S Nicol, LM Justice
Reading Research Quarterly 52 (4), 397-416, 2017
Classroom quality and student engagement: Contributions to third-grade reading skills
Y Guo, CMD Connor, V Tompkins, FJ Morrison
Frontiers in psychology 2, 157, 2011
Empirically based profiles of the early literacy skills of children with language impairment in early childhood special education
L Justice, J Logan, J Kaderavek, MB Schmitt, V Tompkins, C Bartlett
Journal of learning disabilities 48 (5), 482-494, 2015
Classroom age composition and vocabulary development among at-risk preschoolers
Y Guo, V Tompkins, L Justice, Y Petscher
Early Education and Development 25 (7), 1016-1034, 2014
Speaking your mind: Language and narrative in young children's theory of mind development
V Tompkins, MJ Farrar, DE Montgomery
Advances in child development and behavior 56, 109-140, 2019
Mothers’ cognitive state talk during shared book reading and children’s later false belief understanding
V Tompkins
Cognitive Development 36, 40-51, 2015
Improving low-income preschoolers’ theory of mind: A training study
V Tompkins
Cognitive Development 36, 1-19, 2015
Mothers’ autobiographical memory and book narratives with children with specific language impairment
V Tompkins, MJ Farrar
Journal of communication disorders 44 (1), 1-22, 2011
Child language and parent discipline mediate the relation between family income and false belief understanding
V Tompkins, JAR Logan, DF Blosser, K Duffy
Journal of experimental child psychology 158, 1-18, 2017
Personalization in mother–child emotion talk across three contexts
N Kucirkova, V Tompkins
Infant and Child Development 23 (2), 153-169, 2014
Parent discipline and pre-schoolers’ social skills
V Tompkins, E Villaruel
Early Child Development and Care 192 (3), 410-424, 2022
False belief understanding and narrative comprehension in the preschool years
V Tompkins, MK Blosser, M Downing
Cognitive Development 56, 100936, 2020
Siblings, language, and false belief in low-income children
V Tompkins, MJ Farrar, Y Guo
The Journal of genetic psychology 174 (4), 457-463, 2013
Mother‐child talk about mental states: The what, who, and how of conversations about the mind
V Tompkins, DE Montgomery, MK Blosser
Social Development 31 (2), 281-302, 2022
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