Abdi Dharma
Abdi Dharma
Professor of Chemistry, Universitas Andalas
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Evaluasi Isolat Pseudomonad fluoresens Indigenus dari Rizosfir Berbagai Kultivar Tanaman Pisang Sehat di Lahan Endemik Penyakit Layu Fusarium untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Layu …
E Sulyanti, T Habazar, EF Husin, N Nasir, A Dharma
Jurnal Proteksi Tanaman 2 (2), 87-96, 2018
Identification of the Large Subunit of Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase as a Substrate for Transglutaminase in Medicago sativa L. (Alfalfa)
SA Margosiak, A Dharma, MR Bruce-Carver, AP Gonzales, D Louie, ...
Plant physiology 92 (1), 88-96, 1990
Improving the quality of tapioca by-products (onggok) as poultry feed through fermentation by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
HA Wizna, Y Rizal, A Dharma, IP Kompiang
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8 (10), 1636-1640, 2009
Effect of substituting shrimp waste hydrolysate of Penaeus merguensis for fish meal in broiler performance
ME Mahata, A Dharma, HI Ryanto, Y Rizal
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 7 (6), 806-810, 2008
Evidence for the occurrence of polyamine oxidase in the dicotyledonous plant Medicago sativa L. (alfalfa)
S Bagga, A Dharma, GC Phillips, GD Kuehn
Plant cell reports 10, 550-554, 1991
Selection and identification of cellulase-producing bacteria isolated from the litter of mountain and swampy forest
H ABBAS, Y Rizal, A Dharma, IP Kompiang
Microbiology Indonesia 1 (3), 7-7, 2007
Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activities of 31 fruit peel extract from Sumatera, Indonesia.
JR Sihombing, A Dharma, Z Chaidir, A Almahdy, E Fachrial, E Munaf
Coordination of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System-Power System Stabilizer (T2FLS-PSS) to Improve a Large-scale Power System Stability …
AB Muljono, I Ginarsa, I Nrartha, A Dharma
The Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), 2018
Pengaruh kandungan antosianin dan antioksidan pada proses pengolahan ubi jalar ungu
M Salim, A Dharma, E Mardiah, G Oktoriza
Jurnal Zarah 5 (2), 7-12, 2017
Penggunaan Machine Learning Di Bidang Kesehatan
FD Telaumbanua, P Hulu, TZ Nadeak, RR Lumbantong, A Dharma
Jurnal Teknologi Dan Ilmu Komputer Prima (JUTIKOMP) 2 (2), 391-399, 2019
Omega-3 fatty acids of microalgae as a food supplement: A review of exogenous factors for production enhancement
BA Perdana, Z Chaidir, AJ Kusnanda, A Dharma, IJ Zakaria, A Bayu, ...
Algal Research 60, 102542, 2021
Survey of some West Sumatran plants for alkaloids
D Arbain, JR Cannon, Afriastini, K Kartawinata, R Djamal, A Bustari, ...
Economic Botany 43, 73-78, 1989
Improving the quality of sago pith and rumen content mixture as poultry feed through fermentation by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
HA Wizna, Y Rizal, A Dharma, IP Kompiang
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 7 (2), 249-254, 2008
Uji Bioaktifitas Metabolit Sekunder
A Dharma
Makalah Workshop Peningkatan Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan Rekayasa …, 2001
Determination of antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, and total flavonoid content of roots, stem bark, and leaves of Elaeocarpus mastersii king
T Okselni, A Santoni, A Dharma, M Efdi
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 11 (3), 1211-1216, 2018
Antimicrobial and antifungal activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from coconut milk fermentation.
S Suryani, A Dharma, Y Manjang, S Arief, E Munaf, N Nasir
Biological activity of methanol extract of elaeocarpus mastersii king: Antioxidant, antibacterial, and α-glucosidase inhibitor
T Okselni, A Santoni, A Dharma, M Efdi
Rasayan Journal of Chemistry 12 (1), 146-151, 2019
An application of modified filter algorithm fetal electrocardiogram signals with various subjects
A Turnip, M Turnip, A Dharma, D Paninsari, T Nababan, CN Ginting
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 18 (1), 207-217, 2020
Stabilities natural colorant of Sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan L.) for food and beverages in various pH, temperature, and matrices of food
O Rina, S Ibrahim, A Dharma, WCU Afrizal, YR Widodo
International Journal of ChemTech Research 6, 2017
Efek Doping Ni (II) pada aktifitas fotokatalitik dari TiO2 untuk inhibisi bakteri patogenik
Y Rilda, A Dharma, S Arief, B Shaleh
Makara Journal of Science 14 (1), 16, 2010
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