Vitor Lavor
Vitor Lavor
在 pgr.reading.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Local and non-local effects of building arrangements on pollutant fluxes within the urban canopy
EV Goulart, NC Reis Jr, VF Lavor, IP Castro, JM Santos, ZT Xie
Building and Environment 147, 23-34, 2019
Machine learning in chemical engineering: Hands-on activities
V Lavor, F de Come, MT dos Santos, AS Vianna Jr
Education for Chemical Engineers 46, 10-21, 2024
Possible high COVID-19 airborne infection risk in deep and poorly ventilated 2D street canyons
V Lavor, O Coceal, S Grimmond, J Hang, Z Luo
Building Simulation 16 (9), 1617-1628, 2023
Large-eddy simulation of pollutant dispersion from an area source over random height buildings arrays
VF Lavor
Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, 2019
Large-eddy simulation of micro-scale pollutant dispersion in urban areas
VF Lavor, EV Goulart, JM Santos, NC Reis Jr
Air Pollution Conference Brazil (4º CMAS South America), 2019
Odorous compounds emissions in an urban and industrialized area, OLORES19 Conference, Santiago, Chile
DF Monticelli, B Furieri, VF Lavor, EV Goulart, JM Santos, NC Reis Jr, ...
Estudo da Cinética de Secagem de Resíduos Gerados no Beneficiamento da Noz Macadâmia em Leito de Jorro
VF Lavor, TP Xavier, TS Lira
XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, Fortaleza, 2016
Uso da Espectroscopia na Região do Infravermelho no Estudo do Teor de Lipídeos em Alimentos Processados
VF Lavor, LM Maioli, RBV Azeredo, CM Nogueira
IV Encontro Capixaba de Química – SBQ/ES, Vitória, 2013
Espectroscopia de infravermelho e calibração multivariada na determinação do teor de lipídeos em salsichas
BN Paulino, N C. M., VF Lavor, FC Queiroz, RBV Azeredo
34ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Química – Quimica para um mundo …, 2011
Quanta Emission Rate During Speaking and Coughing Mediated by Indoor Temperature and Humidity
V Lavor, J Wei, O Coceal, S Grimmond, Z Luo
Available at SSRN 5025273, 0
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