An item response theory analysis of self-report measures of adult attachment. RC Fraley, NG Waller, KA Brennan Journal of personality and social psychology 78 (2), 350, 2000 | 5648 | 2000 |
Exploring personality through test construction: Development of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire A Tellegen, NG Waller The SAGE handbook of personality theory and assessment 2, 261-292, 2008 | 1690 | 2008 |
Adult attachment patterns: A test of the typological model. RC Fraley, NG Waller The Guilford Press, 1998 | 1568 | 1998 |
Factor analysis and scale revision. SP Reise, NG Waller, AL Comrey Psychological assessment 12 (3), 287, 2000 | 1410 | 2000 |
Types of dissociation and dissociative types: A taxometric analysis of dissociative experiences. N Waller, FW Putnam, EB Carlson Psychological methods 1 (3), 300, 1996 | 1357 | 1996 |
Structural equation modeling: Strengths, limitations, and misconceptions AJ Tomarken, NG Waller Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 1 (1), 31-65, 2005 | 1252 | 2005 |
Multivariate taxometric procedures: Distinguishing types from continua. NG Waller, PE Meehl Sage Publications, Inc, 1998 | 894 | 1998 |
Item response theory and clinical measurement SP Reise, NG Waller Annual review of clinical psychology 5 (1), 27-48, 2009 | 841 | 2009 |
The prevalence and biometric structure of pathological dissociation in the general population: taxometric and behavior genetic findings. NG Waller, CA Ross Journal of abnormal psychology 106 (4), 499, 1997 | 653 | 1997 |
Potential problems with" well fitting" models. AJ Tomarken, NG Waller Journal of abnormal psychology 112 (4), 578, 2003 | 568 | 2003 |
Genetic and environmental influences on religious interests, attitudes, and values: A study of twins reared apart and together NG Waller, BA Kojetin, TJ Bouchard Jr, DT Lykken, A Tellegen Psychological science 1 (2), 138-142, 1990 | 449 | 1990 |
The Big Seven model: A cross-cultural replication and further exploration of the basic dimensions of natural language trait descriptors. M Almagor, A Tellegen, NG Waller Journal of personality and social psychology 69 (2), 300, 1995 | 441 | 1995 |
The Big Seven factor model of personality description: Evidence for its cross-cultural generality in a Spanish sample. V Benet, NG Waller Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 69 (4), 701, 1995 | 296 | 1995 |
Fitting the two-parameter model to personality data SP Reise, NG Waller Applied Psychological Measurement 14 (1), 45-58, 1990 | 241 | 1990 |
" Normal" personality inventories in clinical assessment: General requirements and the potential for using the NEO Personality Inventory. YS Ben-Porath, NG Waller Psychological Assessment 4 (1), 14, 1992 | 202 | 1992 |
Confirmatory factor analysis of the oral health impact profile MT John, L Feuerstahler, N Waller, K Baba, P Larsson, A Čelebić, ... Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 41 (9), 644-652, 2014 | 192 | 2014 |
Traitedness and the assessment of response pattern scalability. SP Reise, NG Waller Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65 (1), 143, 1993 | 191 | 1993 |
How many IRT parameters does it take to model psychopathology items? SP Reise, NG Waller Psychological methods 8 (2), 164, 2003 | 182 | 2003 |
Exploring nonlinear models in personality assessment: Development and preliminary validation of a negative emotionality scale NG Waller, A Tellegen, RP McDonald, DT Lykken Journal of Personality 64 (3), 545-576, 1996 | 178 | 1996 |
Further evidence for the cross‐cultural generality of the Big Seven factor model: Indigenous and imported Spanish personality constructs V Benet‐Martínez, NG Waller Journal of Personality 65 (3), 567-598, 1997 | 175 | 1997 |