Sihua Xu
Sihua Xu
Shanghai International Studies University
在 shisu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Risk-taking and impulsive behaviors: A comparative assessment of three tasks
S Xu, M Korczykowski, S Zhu, H Rao
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 41 (3), 477-486, 2013
Real and hypothetical monetary rewards modulate risk taking in the brain
S Xu, Y Pan, Y Wang, AM Spaeth, Z Qu, H Rao
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 29520, 2016
Resting spontaneous activity in the default mode network predicts performance decline during prolonged attention workload
D Gui, S Xu, S Zhu, Z Fang, AM Spaeth, Y Xin, T Feng, H Rao
Neuroimage 120, 323-330, 2015
Two nights of recovery sleep restores hippocampal connectivity but not episodic memory after total sleep deprivation
Y Chai, Z Fang, FN Yang, S Xu, Y Deng, A Raine, J Wang, M Yu, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8774, 2020
Differential effects of real versus hypothetical monetary reward magnitude on risk-taking behavior and brain activity
S Xu, Y Pan, Z Qu, Z Fang, Z Yang, F Yang, F Wang, H Rao
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3712, 2018
Brain activation in response to bladder filling in healthy adults: An activation likelihood estimation meta‐analysis of neuroimaging studies
NG Arya, SJ Weissbart, S Xu, H Rao
Neurourology and urodynamics 36 (4), 960-965, 2017
Sleep deprivation enhances inter-stimulus interval effect on vigilant attention performance
FN Yang, S Xu, Y Chai, M Basner, DF Dinges, H Rao
Sleep 41 (12), zsy189, 2018
Post-conventional moral reasoning is associated with increased ventral striatal activity at rest and during task
Z Fang, WH Jung, M Korczykowski, L Luo, K Prehn, S Xu, JA Detre, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7105, 2017
High sensation seeking is associated with behavioral and neural insensitivity to increased negative outcomes during decision-making under uncertainty
S Xu, L Luo, Z Xiao, K Zhao, H Wang, C Wang, H Rao
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 19, 1352-1363, 2019
Real or hypothetical monetary rewards modulates risk taking behavior.
S Xu, Z Fang, H Rao
Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2013
Internet addicts' behavior impulsivity: Evidence from the Iowa Gambling Task.
Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2012
Paying out one versus paying out all trials and the decrease in behavioral and brain activity in the balloon analogue risk task
S Xu, H Wang, C Wang
Psychophysiology 57 (3), e13510, 2020
Inter-brain neural mechanism underlying turn-based interaction under acute stress in women: a hyperscanning study using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
H Zhao, Y Li, X Wang, Y Kan, S Xu, H Duan
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 17 (9), 850-863, 2022
Exploring the valence-framing effect: Gain frame enhances behavioral and brain sensitivity to the failure of decision-making under uncertainty
S Xu, M Wang, Q Liu, C Wang, C Zhang
International Journal of Psychophysiology 153, 166-172, 2020
Effects of facial trustworthiness and gender on decision making in the Ultimatum Game
Y Wu, L Gao, Y Wan, F Wang, S Xu, Z Yang, H Rao, Y Pan
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 46 (3), 499-516, 2018
Emotional experience and personality traits influence individual and joint risk-based decision making
X Wang, Y Pan, K Zhang, Y Sui, T Lv, S Xu, L Gao
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 45 (6), 881-892, 2017
Risk choice and emotional experience: a multi-level comparison between active and passive decision-making
Y Pan, F Lai, Z Fang, S Xu, L Gao, DC Robertson, H Rao
Journal of Risk Research 22 (10), 1239-1266, 2019
Brain substrates of early (4 h) cigarette abstinence: Identification of treatment targets
TR Franklin, K Jagannathan, N Hager, Z Fang, S Xu, J Wong, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 182, 78-85, 2018
Hypothetical versus real monetary reward decrease the behavioral and affective effects in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task
S Xu, Z Xiao, H Rao
Experimental Psychology, 2019
Distinct inter-brain synchronization patterns underlying group decision-making under uncertainty with partners in different interpersonal relationships
H Zhao, C Zhang, R Tao, H Duan, S Xu
NeuroImage 272, 120043, 2023
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