Reverse Engineering Program Using MBSE to Support Development of I&C System Experimental Power Reactor from PLC to FPGA. R Maerani, S Santoso, ID Irianto Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 (2), 022015, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Assessment of Input Parameters and Architecture of RDE Reactor Protection System S Santoso, K Santosa, R Maerani Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198 (5), 052007, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Factors influencing human reliability of high temperature gas cooled reactor operation S Santoso Jurnal Teknologi Reaktor Nuklir Tri Dasa Mega 18 (3), 135-144, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Kajian Stressor Operator Ruang Kendali Utama Untai Uji Thermohidrolika Reaktor DL Darlis, SS Sigit Santoso KAJIAN STRESSOR OPERATOR RUANG KENDALI UTAMA UNTAI UJI THERMOHIDROLIKA …, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Pertimbangan ergonomi pada perancangan stasiun kerja D Darlis, S Widagdo, S Santoso, B Rozali SIGMA EPSILON-Buletin Ilmiah Teknologi Keselamatan Reaktor Nuklir 13 (4), 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
A Bayesian network approach to estimating software reliability of RSG-GAS reactor protection system S Santoso, S Bakhri, J Situmorang Atom Indonesia 45 (1), 43-49, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Path analysis of batan’s safety culture characteristics J Situmorang, K Imam, S Sigit Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Keselamatan PLTN dan Fasilitas Nuklir, ICONET …, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Assessment of Input Parameters and Architecture of RDE Reactor Protection System SD Sudarno, SS Sigit Santoso, KS Kussigit Santosa, RM Restu Maerani, ... | 1 | 2019 |
Software requirement analysis for digital based reactor protection system of RDE design SS Sigit Santoso, SD Sudarno, RM Restu Maerani, ... | | 2019 |
Developing a Preliminary Design of Control and Monitoring Systems for Control Rods of RDNK (Sigit Santoso1, a), TJ Suryono1, b), Dian Fitri Atmoko2, c), Sudarno1, d) and Achmad … SS Sigit Santoso, TJS Tulis Jojok Suryono, ADF Dian Fitri Atmoko, ... | | 2019 |
PENILAIAN MATURITAS IMPLEMENTASI BUDAYA KESELAMATAN PADA INSTALASI NUKLIR (Johnny Situmorang, Sigit Santoso) JS Johnny Situmorang, SS Sigit Santoso | | 2019 |
Perception Study of Safety Indicators in Nuclear Installations using Mann Withney Nonparametric Statistic Technique JS Johnny Situmorang, SS Sigit Santoso | | 2019 |
Proceedings of Research Results and Activities of the Center for Radioactive Waste Technology 2017 S Budi, SR Dyah, S Sigit | | 2018 |
Proceedings of the XV National Seminar on Waste Management Technology S Budi, S Sigit, S Heny, HN Djoko, HT Mohammad, SH Hayati | | 2017 |
Proceedings of the 2016 research and activities results of the Radioactive Waste Technology Center H Kuat, S Budi, SR Dyah, BH Enggartati, S Sigit | | 2017 |
Paper• The following article is OPEN ACCESS Analysis respons to the implementation of nuclear installations safety culture using AHP-TOPSIS JS Johnny Situmorang, IK Iman Kuntoro, SS Sigit Santoso, M Subekti, ... | | 2017 |
Canonical correlation analysis on attributes of nuclear installation safety culture S Johnny, K Imam, S Sigit | | 2016 |
The IAEA nuclear graphite knowledge base to support high temperature reactor deployment-18643 F Reitsma, D Beraha, M Gladyshev, S Santoso, A Wickham, NC Gallego, ... American Nuclear Society-ANS, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park …, 2016 | | 2016 |
Proceedings of national seminar on waste management technology XIV S Budi, S Sigit, S Heny, HHN Djoko, HT Mohammad, SM Setyo | | 2016 |
Proceeding of the 2015 research results and activities of radioactive waste technology center H Kuat, S Budi, KP Lucia, BH Enggartati, S Sigit | | 2016 |