yaacov Schul
yaacov Schul
在 huji.ac.il 的电子邮件经过验证
On the cognitive benefits of teaching.
JA Bargh, Y Schul
Journal of Educational Psychology 72 (5), 593, 1980
Two is not always better than one: A critical evaluation of two-system theories
G Keren, Y Schul
Perspectives on psychological science 4 (6), 533-550, 2009
Microjustice and macrojustice
P Brickman, R Folger, E Goode, Y Schul
The justice motive in social behavior: Adapting to times of scarcity and …, 1981
Two years after a job loss: long-term impact of the JOBS program on reemployment and mental health.
AD Vinokur, Y Schul, J Vuori, RH Price
Journal of occupational health psychology 5 (1), 32, 2000
Impact of the JOBS intervention on unemployed workers varying in risk for depression
AD Vinokur, RH Price, Y Schul
American journal of community psychology 23 (1), 39-74, 1995
“I am not guilty” vs “I am innocent”: Successful negation may depend on the schema used for its encoding
R Mayo, Y Schul, E Burnstein
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40 (4), 433-449, 2004
The web of coping resources and pathways to reemployment following a job loss.
AD Vinokur, Y Schul
Journal of occupational health psychology 7 (1), 68, 2002
Determinants of perceived social support: interpersonal transactions, personal outlook, and transient affective states.
A Vinokur, Y Schul, RD Caplan
Journal of personality and social psychology 53 (6), 1137, 1987
Mastery and inoculation against setbacks as active ingredients in the JOBS intervention for the unemployed.
AD Vinokur, Y Schul
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 65 (5), 867, 1997
Encoding under trust and distrust: the spontaneous activation of incongruent cognitions.
Y Schul, R Mayo, E Burnstein
Journal of personality and social psychology 86 (5), 668, 2004
The value of distrust
Y Schul, R Mayo, E Burnstein
Journal of experimental social psychology 44 (5), 1293-1302, 2008
Elimination and inclusion procedures in judgment
I Yaniv, Y Schul
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 10 (3), 211-220, 1997
When both the original study and its failed replication are correct: Feeling observed eliminates the facial-feedback effect.
T Noah, Y Schul, R Mayo
Journal of personality and social psychology 114 (5), 657, 2018
When discounting fails: Conditions under which individuals use discredited information in making a judgment.
Y Schul, E Burnstein
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 49 (4), 894, 1985
Nonconscious goal pursuit in novel environments: The case of implicit learning
B Eitam, RR Hassin, Y Schul
Psychological Science 19 (3), 261-267, 2008
Dealing with deceptions that are difficult to detect: Encoding and judgment as a function of preparing to receive invalid information
Y Schul, E Burnstein, A Bardi
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 32 (3), 228-253, 1996
Projection in person perception among spouses as a function of the similarity in their shared experiences
Y Schul, AD Vinokur
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26 (8), 987-1001, 2000
When warning succeeds: The effect of warning on success in ignoring invalid information
Y Schul
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 29 (1), 42-62, 1993
Feelings don't come easy: studies on the effortful nature of feelings.
A Kron, Y Schul, A Cohen, RR Hassin
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 139 (3), 520, 2010
The meaning of negated adjectives
T Fraenkel, Y Schul
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 5 (4), 517-540, 2008
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