Ann Ojala
The influence of urban green environments on stress relief measures: A field experiment
L Tyrväinen, A Ojala, K Korpela, T Lanki, Y Tsunetsugu, T Kagawa
Journal of Environmental Psychology 38, 1-9, 2014
Health benefits of nature experience: Psychological, social and cultural processes
T Hartig, AE van den Berg, CM Hagerhall, M Tomalak, N Bauer, ...
Forests, trees and human health, 127-168, 2011
Associations between green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countries.
MP White, LR Elliott, J Grellier, T Economou, S Bell, GN Bratman, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8903-8903, 2021
Restorative effects of urban green environments and the role of urban-nature orientedness and noise sensitivity: A field experiment
A Ojala, K Korpela, L Tyrväinen, P Tiittanen, T Lanki
Health & place 55, 59-70, 2019
Acute effects of visits to urban green environments on cardiovascular physiology in women: A field experiment
T Lanki, T Siponen, A Ojala, K Korpela, A Pennanen, P Tiittanen, ...
Environmental research 159, 176-185, 2017
The health and social benefits of nature and biodiversity protection
P ten Brink, K Mutafoglu, JP Schweitzer, M Kettunen, C Twigger-Ross, ...
A report for the European Commission (ENV. B. 3/ETU/2014/0039). London …, 2016
Restorative effects of mature and young commercial forests, pristine old-growth forest and urban recreation forest-A field experiment
J Simkin, A Ojala, L Tyrväinen
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 48, 126567, 2020
Results from an 18 country cross-sectional study examining experiences of nature for people with common mental health disorders
M Tester-Jones, MP White, LR Elliott, N Weinstein, J Grellier, T Economou, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 19408, 2020
Individual and environmental factors associated with green exercise in urban and suburban areas
R Pyky, M Neuvonen, K Kangas, A Ojala, T Lanki, K Borodulin, ...
Health & place 55, 20-28, 2019
Restoration, well-being, and everyday physical activity in indoor, built outdoor and natural outdoor settings
TP Pasanen, A Ojala, L Tyrväinen, KM Korpela
Journal of Environmental Psychology 59, 85-93, 2018
Research Note: Residential distance and recreational visits to coastal and inland blue spaces in eighteen countries
LR Elliott, MP White, J Grellier, JK Garrett, M Cirach, BW Wheeler, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 198, 103800, 2020
Luonnon virkistyskäytön terveys-ja hyvinvointihyödyt
L Tyrväinen, K Korpela, A Ojala
Hyvinvointia metsästä/Ed. Tyrväinen, L., Kurttila, M., Sievänen, T …, 2014
Luonto lähelle ja terveydeksi
JP Jäppinen, L Tyrväinen, M Reinikainen, A Ojala
Ekosysteemipalvelut ja ihmisen terveys. Argumenta-hankkeen (2013–2014 …, 2014
The Perceived Restorativeness of Differently Managed Forests and Its Association with Forest Qualities and Individual Variables: A Field Experiment
J Simkin, A Ojala, L Tyrväinen
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (2), 422, 2021
Suomen metsät ja metsäpolitiikka: kansalaisten näkemyksiä
A Valkeapää, R Paloniemi, A Vainio, K Helkama, H Karppinen, ...
Helsingin yliopisto, Metsäekonomian laitos, 2009
Virtuaaliluontoympäristöt työhyvinvoinnin voimavarana: Virtunature-tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti
A Ojala, M Neuvonen, M Leinikka, M Huotilainen, A Yli-Viikari, ...
Luonnonvarakeskus, 2019
Short virtual nature breaks in the office environment can restore stress: An experimental study
A Ojala, M Neuvonen, M Kurkilahti, M Leinikka, M Huotilainen, ...
Journal of Environmental Psychology 84, 101909, 2022
Mechanisms underlying childhood exposure to blue spaces and adult subjective well-being: An 18-country analysis
V Vitale, L Martin, MP White, LR Elliott, KJ Wyles, MHEM Browning, ...
Journal of Environmental Psychology 84, 101876, 2022
Cross-sectional associations of different types of nature exposure with psychotropic, antihypertensive and asthma medication
AW Turunen, J Halonen, K Korpela, A Ojala, T Pasanen, T Siponen, ...
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 80 (2), 111-118, 2023
The health and social benefits of nature and biodiversity protection: Executive summary
P ten Brink, K Mutafoglu, JP Schweitzer, M Kettunen, C Twigger-Ross, ...
Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2016
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