Gianna Hessel
From vision to action: Inquiring into the conditions for the motivational capacity of ideal second language selves
G Hessel
System 52, 103-114, 2015
A new take on individual differences in L2 proficiency gain during study abroad
G Hessel
System, 39-55, 2017
International student mobility from Russia, Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia to the UK: trends, institutional rationales and strategies for student recruitment
M Chankseliani, G Hessel
Comparative and International Education, University of Oxford, 2016
The well-being and job satisfaction of secondary CLIL and tertiary EMI teachers in Austria.
G Hessel, KR Talbot, MT Gruber, S Mercer
Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning 2 (2), 73-91, 2020
The role of international student interactions in English as a lingua franca in L2 acquisition, L2 motivational development and intercultural learning during study abroad
G Hessel
Studies in second language learning and teaching 9 (3), 495-517, 2019
The impact of participation in ERASMUS study abroad in the UK on students’ overall English language proficiency, self-efficacy, English use anxiety and self-motivation to …
G Hessel
University of Oxford, 2016
What difference does it make? Examining English proficiency gain as an outcome of participation in ERASMUS study abroad programmes in the UK
G Hessel, R Vanderplank
Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International …, 2018
Case studies of the most popular European destinations for mobile students from Russia, Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia
M Chankseliani, G Hessel
Centre for Comparative and International Education, University of Oxford, 2016
Bilingual Education in Brunei: The Evolution of the Brunei Approach to Bilingual Education and the Role of CfBT in Promoting Educational Change. Full Report.
P Sammons, S Davis, L Bakkum, G Hessel
CfBT Education Trust, 2014
Study abroad: L2 self-efficacy and engagement in intercultural interactions
G Hessel
Challenging boundaries in language education, 199-210, 2019
Overall L2 proficiency maintenance and development among returning ERASMUS study abroad participants
G Hessel
Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International …, 2020
Self-efficacy in managing intercultural interactions as an outcome of participation in the Erasmus programme: Evidence from German exchange students in the UK
G Hessel
Language, mobility and study abroad in the contemporary European context …, 2021
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