Elisabeth Stangeland
Elisabeth Stangeland
Assistant professor of special needs education
在 uis.no 的电子邮件经过验证
The impact of language skills and social competence on play behaviour in toddlers
E Brekke Stangeland
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 25 (1), 106-121, 2017
Gender differences in toddlers’ language and participation in language activities in Norwegian ECEC institutions
E Brekke Stangeland, K Lundetræ, E Reikerås
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 26 (3), 375-392, 2018
Barn vi skal være spesielt oppmerksomme på i begynneropplæringen. I K. Lundetræ & FE Tønnessen (Red.)
EB Stangeland, MK Færevaag
Å lykkes med lesing: Tidlig innsats og tilpasset leseopplæring, 68-97, 2014
What happens before book reading starts? an analysis of teacher–child behaviours with print and digital books
T Hoel, EB Stangeland, K Schulz-Heidorf
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 570652, 2020
Shared book reading: a Norwegian survey of reading practices in families
EB Stangeland, JA Campbell, N Kucirkova, T Hoel
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 68 (6), 1304-1319, 2024
The importance of sensorial and spatial aspects in family reading at home: Insights from a national survey in Norway
NI Kucirkova, JA Campbell, EB Stangeland, T Hoel
International Journal of Educational Research Open 4, 100227, 2023
Mellom Linjene: om sammenhengen mellom språk og sosial fungering hos små barn
EB Stangeland
University of Stavanger, Norway, 2009
Late Talkers and Language Learning in Norwegian ECEC for Children Under Three
EB Stangeland, JE Hansen
Special Education in the Early Years: Perspectives on Policy and Practice in …, 2022
What Happens Before Book Reading Starts? an Analysis of Teacher–Child Behaviours With Print and Digital
T Hoel, EB Stangeland, K Schulz-Heidorf
Growing up in a Digital World-Social and Cognitive Implications, 2021
Språklig mestring, lek og sosial kompetanse hos de yngste barnehagebarna: En studie av variasjon og sammenhenger
EB Stangeland
University of Stavanger, Norway, 2018
Språk og deltakelse i lek
EB Stangeland
Om sammenhengen mellom språk og sosial fungering hos små barn
EB Stangeland
Dokumentasjon, vurdering og kartlegging
JE Hansen, EB Stangeland
Med blikk for språk
EB Stangeland
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