Bryan Wilbanks
A review of dashboards for data analytics in nursing
BA Wilbanks, PA Langford
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 32 (11), 545-549, 2014
A review of measuring the cognitive workload of electronic health records
BA Wilbanks, SP McMullan
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 36 (12), 579-588, 2018
Electronic health records in simulation education: literature review and synthesis
BA Wilbanks, PI Watts, CA Epps
Simulation in Healthcare 13 (4), 261-267, 2018
A systematic review of race, sex, and socioeconomic status differences in postoperative pain and pain management
KL Thurston, SJ Zhang, BA Wilbanks, R Billings, EN Aroke
Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 38 (3), 504-515, 2023
The role of documentation quality in anesthesia-related closed claims: A descriptive qualitative study
BA Wilbanks, M Geisz-Everson, RR Boust
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 34 (9), 406-412, 2016
The effect of data-entry template design and anesthesia provider workload on documentation accuracy, documentation efficiency, and user-satisfaction
BA Wilbanks, ES Berner, GL Alexander, A Azuero, PA Patrician, JA Moss
International journal of medical informatics 118, 29-35, 2018
Defining an essential clinical dataset for admission patient history to reduce nursing documentation burden
DE Sutton, JR Fogel, AS Giard, LA Gulker, CH Ivory, AM Rosa
Applied Clinical Informatics 11 (03), 464-473, 2020
Transfer of care in perioperative settings: a descriptive qualitative study
BA Wilbanks, M Geisz-Everson, BA Clayton, RR Boust
AANA J 86 (5), 401-407, 2018
From the Operating Room to the Front Lines: Shared Experiences of Nurse Anesthetists During the Coronavirus Pandemic.
M Everson, BA Wilbanks, AM Hranchook, M Hirsch, BA Clayton, ...
AANA journal 89 (2), 2021
A practical approach to acute postoperative pain management in chronic pain patients
EN Aroke, SP McMullan, KO Woodfin, R Richey, J Doss, BA Wilbanks
Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing 35 (6), 564-573, 2020
Preventable Closed Claims in the AANA Foundation Closed Malpractice Claims Database.
MJ Kremer
AANA journal 87 (6), 2019
Evidence-based guidelines for interface design for data entry in electronic health records
BA Wilbanks, J Moss
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 36 (1), 35-44, 2018
Using eye tracking for measuring cognitive workload during clinical simulations: literature review and synthesis
BA Wilbanks, E Aroke, KM Dudding
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 39 (9), 499-507, 2021
Using clinical simulations to train healthcare professionals to use electronic health records: a literature review
BA Wilbanks, EN Aroke
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 38 (11), 551-561, 2020
An observational study of the accuracy and completeness of an anesthesia information management system: recommendations for documentation system changes
BA Wilbanks, JA Moss, ES Berner
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 31 (8), 359-367, 2013
Comparison of video-facilitated reflective practice and faculty-led debriefings
BA Wilbanks, S McMullan, PI Watts, T White, J Moss
Clinical Simulation in Nursing 42, 1-7, 2020
An integrative literature review of contextual factors in perioperative information management systems
BA Wilbanks
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 31 (12), 622-628, 2013
Exploring production pressure and normalization of deviance and their relationship to poor patient outcomes
MG Everson, BA Wilbanks, RR Boust
AANA J 88 (5), 365-71, 2020
An integrative literature review on accuracy in anesthesia information management systems
BA Wilbanks
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 32 (2), 56-63, 2014
It's Never Just a Block: An Analysis of Regional Anesthesia Closed Claims.
M Hirsch
AANA journal 87 (5), 2019
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