Coastal vulnerability assessment of Padre Island National Seashore (PAIS) to sea-level rise EA Pendleton, ER Thieler, SJ Williams, RL Beavers Open-File Report, 2004 | 169* | 2004 |
Coastal sensitivity to sea-level rise: A focus on the Mid-Atlantic region JG Titus, KE Anderson Climate Change Science Program, 2009 | 161 | 2009 |
Flow dynamics and sedimentation in Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis marshes of the Chesapeake Bay LA Leonard, PA Wren, RL Beavers Wetlands 22 (2), 415-424, 2002 | 135 | 2002 |
Coastal Adaptation Strategies Handbook: National Park Service Report 2016 RL Beavers, A Babson, CA Schupp National Park Service, US Department of the Interior, 2016 | 33 | 2016 |
Planning for the impact of sea-level rise on US national parks M Caffrey, R Beavers Park Science 30 (1), 6-13, 2013 | 21 | 2013 |
Sea level rise and storm surge projections for the National Park Service MA Caffrey, RL Beavers, CH Hoffman | 20 | 2018 |
Evaluating profile data and depth of closure with sonar altimetry R Beavers, P Howd, W Birkemeier, K Hathaway Coastal Sediments, 479-490, 1999 | 20 | 1999 |
Coastal adaptation strategies: Case studies CA Schupp, R Beavers, M Caffrey Fort Collins: National Park Service, Geological Resources Division, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Long-Term, Storm-Dominated Sediment Dynamics of East Beach and Sandy Point, San Salvador Island, Bahamas RL Beavers, HA Curran, WT Fox | 16 | 1995 |
Shoreface sedimentation during a northeaster at Duck, North Carolina, USA TR Keen, RL Beavers, PA Howd, K Hathaway Journal of coastal research, 24-40, 2003 | 14 | 2003 |
Vulnerability of US National Parks to sea-level rise and coastal change ER Thieler, SJ Williams, R Beavers US Geological Survey, 2002 | 14 | 2002 |
Storm sedimentation on the surf zone and inner continental shelf, Duck, North Carolina RL Beavers Duke University, 1999 | 14 | 1999 |
Adapting to climate change in coastal parks: Estimating the exposure of park assets to 1 m of sea-level rise K Peek, RS Young, RL Beavers, CH Hoffman, BT Diethorn, S Norton Nat. Res. Rep NPS/NRSS/GRD/NRR—2015/961. Fort Collins, CO: NPS. www. nature …, 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
Preliminary geologic framework of the inner continental shelf offshore Duck, North Carolina, USA TM Rice, RL Beavers, SW Snyder Journal of Coastal Research, 219-225, 1998 | 12 | 1998 |
Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of Gateway National Recreation Area (GATE) to Sea-Level Rise; Open-File Report 2004-1257 EA Pendleton, ER Theiler, SJ Williams US Geological Survey, 1-27, 2005 | 9 | 2005 |
Adapting to climate change in coastal national parks: Estimating the exposure of park assets to 1 m of sea-level rise KM Peek, RS Young, RL Beavers, CH Hoffman, BT Diethorn, S Norton Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/GRD/NRR—2015/961. National Park Service …, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
Relative coastal change-potential assessment of Kenai Fjords National Park EA Pendleton, ER Thieler, SJ Williams Open-File Report, 2006 | 7* | 2006 |
Assessing the storm vulnerability of natural and cultural resources in coastal national parks M Borrelli, RL Beavers Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2008, 518-525, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
Documenting storm sedimentation with diver-collected boxcores and acoustic altimeters offshore of Duck, NC R Beavers, T Boynton, P Howd Diving for Science... 1997: Proceedings of the American Academy of …, 1997 | 3 | 1997 |
A Servicewide Benthic Mapping Program for National Parks CS Moses, A Nayegandhi, R Beavers, J Brock US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |