Rebecca L Beavers
Rebecca L Beavers
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Coastal vulnerability assessment of Padre Island National Seashore (PAIS) to sea-level rise
EA Pendleton, ER Thieler, SJ Williams, RL Beavers
Open-File Report, 2004
Coastal sensitivity to sea-level rise: A focus on the Mid-Atlantic region
JG Titus, KE Anderson
Climate Change Science Program, 2009
Flow dynamics and sedimentation in Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis marshes of the Chesapeake Bay
LA Leonard, PA Wren, RL Beavers
Wetlands 22 (2), 415-424, 2002
Coastal Adaptation Strategies Handbook: National Park Service Report 2016
RL Beavers, A Babson, CA Schupp
National Park Service, US Department of the Interior, 2016
Planning for the impact of sea-level rise on US national parks
M Caffrey, R Beavers
Park Science 30 (1), 6-13, 2013
Sea level rise and storm surge projections for the National Park Service
MA Caffrey, RL Beavers, CH Hoffman
Evaluating profile data and depth of closure with sonar altimetry
R Beavers, P Howd, W Birkemeier, K Hathaway
Coastal Sediments, 479-490, 1999
Coastal adaptation strategies: Case studies
CA Schupp, R Beavers, M Caffrey
Fort Collins: National Park Service, Geological Resources Division, 2015
Long-Term, Storm-Dominated Sediment Dynamics of East Beach and Sandy Point, San Salvador Island, Bahamas
RL Beavers, HA Curran, WT Fox
Shoreface sedimentation during a northeaster at Duck, North Carolina, USA
TR Keen, RL Beavers, PA Howd, K Hathaway
Journal of coastal research, 24-40, 2003
Vulnerability of US National Parks to sea-level rise and coastal change
ER Thieler, SJ Williams, R Beavers
US Geological Survey, 2002
Storm sedimentation on the surf zone and inner continental shelf, Duck, North Carolina
RL Beavers
Duke University, 1999
Adapting to climate change in coastal parks: Estimating the exposure of park assets to 1 m of sea-level rise
K Peek, RS Young, RL Beavers, CH Hoffman, BT Diethorn, S Norton
Nat. Res. Rep NPS/NRSS/GRD/NRR—2015/961. Fort Collins, CO: NPS. www. nature …, 2015
Preliminary geologic framework of the inner continental shelf offshore Duck, North Carolina, USA
TM Rice, RL Beavers, SW Snyder
Journal of Coastal Research, 219-225, 1998
Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of Gateway National Recreation Area (GATE) to Sea-Level Rise; Open-File Report 2004-1257
EA Pendleton, ER Theiler, SJ Williams
US Geological Survey, 1-27, 2005
Adapting to climate change in coastal national parks: Estimating the exposure of park assets to 1 m of sea-level rise
KM Peek, RS Young, RL Beavers, CH Hoffman, BT Diethorn, S Norton
Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/GRD/NRR—2015/961. National Park Service …, 2015
Relative coastal change-potential assessment of Kenai Fjords National Park
EA Pendleton, ER Thieler, SJ Williams
Open-File Report, 2006
Assessing the storm vulnerability of natural and cultural resources in coastal national parks
M Borrelli, RL Beavers
Solutions to Coastal Disasters 2008, 518-525, 2008
Documenting storm sedimentation with diver-collected boxcores and acoustic altimeters offshore of Duck, NC
R Beavers, T Boynton, P Howd
Diving for Science... 1997: Proceedings of the American Academy of …, 1997
A Servicewide Benthic Mapping Program for National Parks
CS Moses, A Nayegandhi, R Beavers, J Brock
US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, 2010
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