Chairussyuhur Arman
Chairussyuhur Arman
在 unram.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Effect of combination of GnRH and PGF2α for estrus synchronization on onset of estrus and pregnancy rate in different postpartum in swamp buffalo in Kampar Regency
Y Yendraliza, BP Zesfin, Z Udin, J Jaswandi, C Arman
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 36 (1), 9-13, 2011
Association of a novel single nucleotide polymorphism in growth hormone receptor gene with production traits in Bali cattle
R Maskur, C Arman
Italian Journal of Animal Science 13 (4), 3461, 2014
Performance, nutrient digestibility, and meat quality of bali cattle fed a ration supplemented with soybean oil calcium soap and cashew fruit flour
A Bain, DA Astuti, S Suharti, C Arman, KG Wiryawan
Media Peternakan 39 (3), 180-188, 2016
Penyigian karakteristik reproduksi kerbau Sumbawa
C Arman
Lokakarya Nasional Usaha Ternak Kerbau Mendukung Program Kecukupan Daging …, 2006
Analisis tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan motivasi peternak sapi dalam adopsi teknologi inseminasi buatan di Sumbawa Barat
M Muhyidin, C Arman, LA Zaenuri
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis 6 (3), 304-312, 2019
Penampilan Reproduksi Kerbau Post Partum pada Berbagai Level GnRH yang disinkronisasi dengan PGF 2α
Y Yendraliza, B Zespin, Z Udin, J Jaswandi, C Arman
JITV 17 (2), 107-111, 2012
Wafer as feed supplement stimulates the productivity of bali calves
Y Retnani, C Arman, S Said, IG Permana, A Saenab
APCBEE procedia 8, 173-177, 2014
Productive and reproductive performances and blood profile of Bali cows supplemented with calcium soap-soybean oil
S Suharti, L Khotijah, AR Nasution, DA Warmadewi, GLO Cakra, C Arman, ...
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16 (11), 882-887, 2017
Reproduksi Ternak
C Arman
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2014
A Novel single nucleotide polymorphism in exon 4 of insulin-like growth factor-1 associated with production traits in Bali cattle
C Arman, C Sumantri, E Gurnadi
Media Peternakan 35 (2), 96-96, 2012
Conception rates and sex concomitant of Bali calves following oestrus synchronization and artificial insemination of frozen-sexed semen under farm conditions
S Said, C Arman, B Tappa
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 39 (1), 10-16, 2014
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi lama kebuntingan pada sapi hissar Sumbawa
C Arman
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan 9 (2), 236-241, 2006
Manajemen reproduksi untuk memperpendek interval kelahiran pada ternak sapi
IWL Sumadiasa, C Arman, AS Dradjat, E Yuliani
Prosiding PEPADU 1, 97-104, 2019
Efektifitas Kinerja Pentoksifilin Terhadap Kualitas dan Integritas Membran Plasma Utuh pada Sperma Sapi Bali Hasil Pemisahan dengan Menggunakan Albumin
R Rodiah, E Yuliani, AS Dradjat, C Arman
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Indonesia (JITPI) Indonesian Journal of …, 2015
Characteristics of in vitro fermentation and nutrient digestibility of ration supplemented with different level of soybean oil calcium soap
A Bain, KG Wiryawan, DA Astuti, S Suharti, C Arman, F Nasiu
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 465 (1), 012020, 2020
Correlation and regression analysis of the body measurements of the Doro Ncanga Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) reared extensively in the Savanna of Mount Tambora Dompu Regency …
H Husni, M Maskur, C Arman
Aceh Journal of Animal Science 3 (1), 1-9, 2018
Pemindahan embrio beku kambing Boer (Capra sp.) pada kambing lokal
AS Drajat, M Ichsan, C Arman, IP Sudrana
FKH Press IPB, 2000
Introduksi Teknologi Inseminasi Buatan pada Ternak Kambing di Kecamatan Batu Keliang Utara Lombok Tengah
IWL Sumadiasa, LA Zainuri, E Yuliani, C Arman, MP Nugroho
Jurnal Abdi Insani 6 (2), 187-198, 2019
Optimalisasi Penggunaan Level Sabun Kalsium Minyak Kedelai dalam Ransum Terhadap Karakteristik Fermentasi, Populasi Mikroba dan Kecernaan Nutrien Secara In Vitro Menggunakan …
A Bain, KG Wiryawan, DA Astuti, C Arman, S Suharti
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis 5 (3), 11-19, 2018
Karakteristik Birahi Kerbau Betina pada Berbagai Protokol Sinkronisasi di Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau
J Handoko, M Rodiallah, C Arman
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner, 86-91, 2017
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