A recursively scalable network VLSI implementation CS G Della Vecchia Future Generation Computer Systems, 1988 | 149 | 1988 |
Recursively scalable networks for message passing architectures CS G Della Vecchia Proc. Conf. Parallel Processing and Applications, 1987 | 75 | 1987 |
An optimized broadcasting technique for WK-recursive topologies CS G Della Vecchia Future Generation Computer Systems, 1990 | 37 | 1990 |
An infrastructure for smart hospitals GD Vecchia, L Gallo, M Esposito, A Coronato Multimedia Tools and Applications 59, 341-362, 2012 | 31 | 2012 |
An RFID-based access and location service for pervasive grids A Coronato, G Della Vecchia, G De Pietro International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, 601-608, 2006 | 12 | 2006 |
Fractal image compression algorithms on a MIMD architecture G Della Vecchia, R Distasi, M Nappi, M Pepe High-Performance Computing and Networking: International Conference and …, 1996 | 11 | 1996 |
A pervasive system for nuclear medicine department G Della Vecchia, M Esposito Wireless personal communications 55, 105-120, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
An ontology-based intrusion detection for RFID systems M Esposito, GD Vecchia Technological Developments in Networking, Education and Automation, 467-472, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |
A parallel implementation of image coding using linear prediction and iterated function systems GD Vecchia, R Distasi, M Nappi, D Vitulano Euro-Par'96 Parallel Processing: Second International Euro-Par Conference …, 1996 | 3 | 1996 |
An Infrastructure for Pervasive Access to Clinical Data in eHospitals M Esposito, L Gallo, A Coronato, G Della Vecchia New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services-2 …, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
HCRC-parallel computer prototype: Architecture and programming techniques G Della Vecchia, A Giordano, C Sanges, R Vaccaro, L Verdoscia, ... Proceedings of 11th IMACS World Congress, 385-388, 1985 | 2 | 1985 |
A knowledge-based approach for detecting misuses in RFID systems G Della Vecchia, M Esposito Designing and Deploying RFID Applications, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
Guest Editorial: Parallel, distributed and network-based processing P D'Ambra, GD Vecchia, MR Guarracino Journal of Systems Architecture: the EUROMICRO Journal 54 (9), 841-842, 2008 | 1 | 2008 |
An RFID-based application for handling the workflow of radioactive patients in a nuclear medicine department G Della Vecchia, M Esposito Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Mobile and …, 2008 | | 2008 |
Synchronization of MPEG2 Streams in a Video on Demand System A Coronato, G De Pietro, G Della Vecchia, G Gugliara [Dato non inserito] 9832, 775-783, 2001 | | 2001 |
Using MPP for Image Histogramming G Della Vecchia, R Distasi Massively Parallel Processing Applications and Development, 845-854, 1994 | | 1994 |