Hydrodynamics around cylindrical strucures BMJF Sumer World scientific, 2006 | 1990 | 2006 |
Mechanics of coastal sediment transport J Fredsoe, R Deigaard World scientific publishing company, 1992 | 1790 | 1992 |
A wave generation toolbox for the open‐source CFD library: OpenFoam® NG Jacobsen, DR Fuhrman, J Fredsøe International Journal for numerical methods in fluids 70 (9), 1073-1088, 2012 | 1519 | 2012 |
The mechanics of scour in the marine environment BM Sumer World scientific, 2002 | 1476 | 2002 |
A sediment transport model for straight alluvial channels F Engelund, J Fredsøe Nordic Hydrology 7 (5), 293-306, 1976 | 1083 | 1976 |
Numerical and experimental investigation of flow and scour around a circular pile A Roulund, BM Sumer, J Fredsøe, J Michelsen Journal of Fluid mechanics 534, 351-401, 2005 | 868 | 2005 |
Turbulent oscillatory boundary layers at high Reynolds numbers BL Jensen, BM Sumer, J Fredsøe Journal of Fluid Mechanics 206, 265-297, 1989 | 766 | 1989 |
Turbulent boundary layer in wave-current motion J Fredsøe Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 110 (8), 1103-1120, 1984 | 587 | 1984 |
Sediment ripples and dunes F Engelund, J Fredsoe Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 14 (1), 13-37, 1982 | 474 | 1982 |
Scour around vertical pile in waves BM Sumer, J Fredsøe, N Christiansen Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 118 (1), 15-31, 1992 | 450 | 1992 |
Data analysis of bed concentration of suspended sediment JA Zyserman, J Fredsøe Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 120 (9), 1021-1042, 1994 | 434 | 1994 |
Velocity and concentration profiles in sheet-flow layer of movable bed BM Sumer, A Kozakiewicz, J Fredsøe, R Deigaard Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 122 (10), 549-558, 1996 | 398 | 1996 |
Onset of scour below pipelines and self-burial BM Sumer, C Truelsen, T Sichmann, J Fredsøe Coastal engineering 42 (4), 313-335, 2001 | 333 | 2001 |
On the development of dunes in erodible channels J Fredsøe Journal of Fluid Mechanics 64 (1), 1-16, 1974 | 331 | 1974 |
Meandering and braiding of rivers J Fredsøe Journal of Fluid Mechanics 84 (4), 609-624, 1978 | 320 | 1978 |
Influence of turbulence on bed load sediment transport BM Sumer, LHC Chua, NS Cheng, J Fredsøe Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 129 (8), 585-596, 2003 | 312 | 2003 |
Scour around pile in combined waves and current BM Sumer, J Fredsøe Journal of hydraulic engineering 127 (5), 403-411, 2001 | 305 | 2001 |
Scour below pipelines in waves BM Sumer, J Fredsøe Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 116 (3), 307-323, 1990 | 286 | 1990 |
Sinking/floatation of pipelines and other objects in liquefied soil under waves BM Sumer, J Fredsøe, S Christensen, MT Lind Coastal Engineering 38 (2), 53-90, 1999 | 265 | 1999 |
Wave plus current over a ripple-covered bed J Fredsøe, KH Andersen, BM Sumer Coastal Engineering 38 (4), 177-221, 1999 | 251 | 1999 |