Addressing the curse of imbalanced training sets: one-sided selection M Kubat, S Matwin Icml 97 (1), 179, 1997 | 3332 | 1997 |
Machine learning for the detection of oil spills in satellite radar images M Kubat, RC Holte, S Matwin Machine learning 30, 195-215, 1998 | 1775 | 1998 |
Ontology-guided feature engineering for clinical text classification VN Garla, C Brandt Journal of biomedical informatics 45 (5), 992-998, 2012 | 666 | 2012 |
Learning when negative examples abound M Kubat, R Holte, S Matwin Machine Learning: ECML-97: 9th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 1997 | 407 | 1997 |
Text classification using WordNet hypernyms S Scott, S Matwin Usage of WordNet in natural language processing systems, 1998 | 387 | 1998 |
A review on particle swarm optimization algorithm and its variants to clustering high-dimensional data AAA Esmin, RA Coelho, S Matwin Artificial Intelligence Review 44, 23-45, 2015 | 367 | 2015 |
Offensive language detection using multi-level classification AH Razavi, D Inkpen, S Uritsky, S Matwin Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Canadian Conference on Artificial …, 2010 | 342 | 2010 |
Email classification with co-training S Kiritchenko, S Matwin Proceedings of the 2001 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on …, 2001 | 332 | 2001 |
Unsupervised named-entity recognition: Generating gazetteers and resolving ambiguity D Nadeau, PD Turney, S Matwin Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Conference of the Canadian Society …, 2006 | 330 | 2006 |
A learner-independent evaluation of the usefulness of statistical phrases for automated text categorization MF Caropreso, S Matwin, F Sebastiani Text databases and document management: Theory and practice 5478 (4), 78-102, 2001 | 313 | 2001 |
Improving fishing pattern detection from satellite AIS using data mining and machine learning EN De Souza, K Boerder, S Matwin, B Worm PloS one 11 (7), e0158248, 2016 | 293 | 2016 |
Strategies and best practices for data literacy education: Knowledge synthesis report C Ridsdale, J Rothwell, M Smit, H Ali-Hassan, M Bliemel, D Irvine, ... | 255 | 2015 |
Addressing the curse of imbalanced data sets: One-sided sampling M Kubat, S Matwin Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on machine learning …, 1997 | 231 | 1997 |
Functional annotation of genes using hierarchical text categorization S Kiritchenko, S Matwin, AF Famili Proc. of the ACL Workshop on Linking Biological Literature, Ontologies and …, 2005 | 197 | 2005 |
Fast unsupervised online drift detection using incremental kolmogorov-smirnov test DM Dos Reis, P Flach, S Matwin, G Batista Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2016 | 183 | 2016 |
Discriminative parameter learning for bayesian networks J Su, H Zhang, CX Ling, S Matwin Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, 1016-1023, 2008 | 182 | 2008 |
A WordNet-based algorithm for word sense disambiguation X Li, S Szpakowicz, S Matwin IJCAI 95, 1368-1374, 1995 | 182 | 1995 |
Genetic algorithms approach to a negotiation support system S Matwin, T Szapiro, K Haigh IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 21 (1), 102-114, 1991 | 174 | 1991 |
Learning and evaluation in the presence of class hierarchies: Application to text categorization S Kiritchenko, S Matwin, R Nock, AF Famili Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Conference of the Canadian Society …, 2006 | 155 | 2006 |
Negoplan: An expert system shell for negotiation support S Matwin, S Szpakowicz, Z Koperczak, GE Kersten, W Michalowski IEEE Intelligent Systems 4 (04), 50-62, 1989 | 155 | 1989 |