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Groundwater nutrient inputs into an urbanized tropical estuary system in Indonesia D Adyasari, T Oehler, N Afiati, N Moosdorf Science of the Total Environment 627, 1066-1079, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
Gonad maturation of two intertidal blood clams Anadara granosa (L.) and Anadara antiquata (L.)(Bivalvia: Arcidae) in Central Java N Afiati Journal of Coastal Development 10 (2), 105-113, 2013 | 45* | 2013 |
How to restore mangroves for greenbelt creation along eroding coasts with abandoned aquaculture ponds CEJ van Bijsterveldt, BK van Wesenbeeck, D van der Wal, N Afiati, ... Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 235, 106576, 2020 | 42 | 2020 |
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Biomassa kandungan karbon dan serapan CO2 pada tegakan mangrove di kawasan konservasi mangrove Bedono, Demak TB Prakoso, N Afiati, D Suprapto Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (MAQUARES) 6 (2), 156-163, 2018 | 30 | 2018 |
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Environmental impact of nutrient fluxes associated with submarine groundwater discharge at an urbanized tropical coast D Adyasari, T Oehler, N Afiati, N Moosdorf Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 221, 30-38, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Kondisi kualitas air kolam budidaya dengan penggunaan probiotik dan tanpa probiotik terhadap pertumbuhan ikan lele sangkuriang (clarias sp) di Cirebon, Jawa Barat FA Pratama, N Afiati, A Djunaedi Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (MAQUARES) 5 (1), 38-45, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Karakteristik Pertumbuhan Alometri Cangkang Kerang Darah Anadara Indica (L.)(Bivalvia: Arcidae) N Afiati Jurnal Saintek Perikanan 1 (2), 45-52, 2005 | 22 | 2005 |
The effect of salinity on the interaction between microplastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and microalgae Spirulina sp. H Hadiyanto, M Muslihuddin, A Khoironi, WZ Pratiwi, MN Fadlilah, ... Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-11, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Interaction between Styrofoam and Microalgae Spirulina platensis in Brackish Water System H Hadiyanto, A Haris, F Muhammad, N Afiati, A Khoironi Toxics 9 (3), 43, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
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Characterization of Some Commercially Important Octopus (Mollusca Cephalopoda) from Indonesian Waters using Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome Oxidase Sub-Unit I (Mt-DNA COI) N Kholilah, N Afiati, S Subagyo Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Diponegoro, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
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Fucoxanthin identification and purification of brown algae commonly found in Lombok Island, Indonesia. Y SULISTIYANI, A SABDONO, N AFIATI Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (3), 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
KAJIAN kandungan natrium (Na) dan logam berat timbal (Pb) pada jaringan lunak kerang darah (Anadara granosa (L.)) dari Perairan Tanjung Emas Semarang Dan Perairan Wedung Demak F Barik, N Afiati, N Widyorini Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (MAQUARES) 3 (1), 151-159, 2014 | 9 | 2014 |
Analisis Morfometri dan Faktor Kondisi pada Cumi-Cumi Photololigo chinensis dan Photololigo duvaucelii yang Didaratkan di Beberapa TPI Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah M Nuzapril, N Afiati, N Widyorini Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (MAQUARES) 2 (4), 18-27, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |