The europeana data model (edm) M Doerr, S Gradmann, S Hennicke, A Isaac, C Meghini, H Van de Sompel World Library and Information Congress: 76th IFLA general conference and …, 2010 | 273 | 2010 |
Not just another portal, not just another digital library: A portrait of Europeana as an application program interface C Concordia, S Gradmann, S Siebinga IFLA journal 36 (1), 61-69, 2010 | 77 | 2010 |
rdfs: frbr–Towards an implementation model for library catalogs using Semantic Web technology S Gradmann Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), 63-75, 2013 | 58 | 2013 |
Open Access: Wissenschaft als Öffentliches Gut K Mruck, S Gradmann, G Mey Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 5 (2), 2004 | 52 | 2004 |
Zen and the art of linked data: New strategies for a semantic web of humanist knowledge D Oldman, M Doerr, S Gradmann A new companion to digital humanities, 251-273, 2015 | 45 | 2015 |
From containers to content to context: The changing role of libraries in eScience and eScholarship S Gradmann Journal of documentation 70 (2), 241-260, 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
Topographie/Text S Gradmann Hain, 1990 | 45 | 1990 |
Knowledge= Information in context: On the importance of semantic contextualisation in Europeana S Gradmann Europeana white paper 1, 19, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
Digital document and interpretation: Re-thinking “text” and scholarship in electronic settings S Gradmann, JC Meister Poiesis & Praxis 5, 139-153, 2008 | 31 | 2008 |
Cataloguing vs. Metadata: old wine in new bottles? S Gradmann IFLA Journal 28 (4), 88-90, 1999 | 29 | 1999 |
Vom Verfertigen der Gedanken im digitalen Diskurs: Versuch einer wechselseitigen Bestimmung hermeneutisch und empirizistischer Positionen S Gradmann Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 56-63, 2004 | 24 | 2004 |
Lexikon der Bibliotheks-und Informationswissenschaft: LBI. Over 20 individual encyclopedia entries S Gradmann, K Umlauf Stuttgart; Hiersemann, 2011 | 22 | 2011 |
Not (just) a Repository, nor (just) a Digital Library, nor (just) a Portal: A Portrait of Europeana as an API C Concordia, S Gradmann, S Siebinga World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Council, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Handbuch Bibliothek: Geschichte, Aufgaben, Perspektiven K Umlauf, S Gradmann Springer-Verlag, 2012 | 19* | 2012 |
Interoperability challenges in digital libraries S Gradmann 1st DL. org Workshop at 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL), 2009 | 19 | 2009 |
Open Access-einmal anders. Zum wissenschaftlichen Publizieren in den Geisteswissenschaften S Gradmann ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BIBLIOTHEKSWESEN UND BIBLIOGRAPHIE 54 (4/5), 170, 2007 | 18 | 2007 |
Handbuch Bibliothek K Umlauf, K Umlauf, S Gradmann JB Metzler, 2012 | 16 | 2012 |
Catalogación versus metadata: vino viejo en odres nuevos S Gradmann 64th IFLA Council and General Conference. Ámsterdam, 1998 | 16 | 1998 |
Verbreitung vs. Verwertung S Gradmann Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung eV (GeWiF Berlin), 2007 | 14 | 2007 |
Semantic Web–ein besseres Web? S Gradmann KWB, Date: 2009/01/05-2009/01/10, Location: Hamburg, 2009 | 13 | 2009 |