Elisa Leonardelli
Elisa Leonardelli
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Agreeing to Disagree: Annotating Offensive Language Datasets with Annotators' Disagreement
E Leonardelli, S Menini, AP Aprosio, M Guerini, S Tonelli
10.18653/v1/2021.emnlp-main.822, 2021
A visual cortical network for deriving phonological information from intelligible lip movements
A Hauswald, C Lithari, O Collignon, E Leonardelli, N Weisz
Current Biology 28 (9), 1453-1459. e3, 2018
Why don’t you do it right? analysing annotators’ disagreement in subjective tasks
M Sandri, E Leonardelli, S Tonelli, E Ježek
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2023
Can magnetoencephalography track the afferent information flow along white matter thalamo-cortical fibers?
C Papadelis, E Leonardelli, M Staudt, C Braun
Neuroimage 60 (2), 1092-1105, 2012
SemEval-2023 task 11: Learning with disagreements (LeWiDi)
E Leonardelli, A Uma, G Abercrombie, D Almanea, V Basile, T Fornaciari, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.14803, 2023
Prestimulus oscillatory alpha power and connectivity patterns predispose perceptual integration of an audio and a tactile stimulus
E Leonardelli, C Braun, N Weisz, C Lithari, V Occelli, M Zampini
Human brain mapping 36 (9), 3486-3498, 2015
Monolingual and cross-lingual acceptability judgments with the Italian CoLA corpus
D Trotta, R Guarasci, E Leonardelli, S Tonelli
10.18653/v1/2021.findings-emnlp.250, 2021
Temporal dynamics of access to amodal representations of category-level conceptual information
E Leonardelli, E Fait, SL Fairhall
Scientific reports 9 (1), 239, 2019
Spatiotemporal properties of the neural representation of conceptual content for words and pictures–an MEG study
G Giari, E Leonardelli, Y Tao, M Machado, SL Fairhall
Neuroimage 219, 116913, 2020
Similarity-based fMRI-MEG fusion reveals hierarchical organisation within the brain's semantic system
E Leonardelli, SL Fairhall
NeuroImage 259, 119405, 2022
Work Hard, Play Hard: Collecting Acceptability Annotations through a 3D Game
F Bonetti, E Leonardelli, D Trotta, R Guarasci, S Tonelli
DH-FBK at SemEval-2022 task 4: Leveraging annotators’ disagreement and multiple data views for patronizing language detection
A Ramponi, E Leonardelli
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2022
DH-FBK@ HaSpeeDe2: Italian Hate Speech Detection via Self-Training and Oversampling.
E Leonardelli, S Menini, S Tonelli
Proceedings of the Seventh Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language …, 2020
Public research funding and science-based innovation: An analysis of ERC research grants, publications and patents
F Munari, E Leonardelli, S Menini, H Morais Righi, M Sobrero, S Tonelli, ...
Research Evaluation, rvae012, 2024
Dh-fbk at semeval-2023 task 10: Multi-task learning with classifier ensemble agreement for sexism detection
E Leonardelli, C Casula
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2023
Don’t Augment, Rewrite? Assessing Abusive Language Detection with Synthetic Data
C Casula, E Leonardelli, S Tonelli
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024, 11240-11247, 2024
Scent and Sensibility: Perception Shifts in the Olfactory Domain
T Paccosi, S Menini, E Leonardelli, I Barzon, S Tonelli
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical …, 2023
Assessing the Influence of ERC-funded Research on Patented Inventions
F Munari, H Righi, M Sobrero, L Toschi, E Leonardelli, S Mainini, S Tonelli
Soft metrics for evaluation with disagreements: an assessment
G Rizzi, E Leonardelli, M Poesio, A Uma, M Pavlovic, S Paun, P Rosso, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Perspectivist Approaches to NLP …, 2024
DH-FBK at HODI: Multi-Task Learning with Classifier Ensemble Agreement, Oversampling and Synthetic Data
E Leonardelli, C Casula
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