Nico Surantha
Design of smart home security system using object recognition and PIR sensor
N Surantha, WR Wicaksono
Procedia computer science 135, 465-472, 2018
A review of wearable internet-of-things device for healthcare
N Surantha, P Atmaja, M Wicaksono
Procedia Computer Science 179, 936-943, 2021
Sleep stage classification using extreme learning machine and particle swarm optimization for healthcare big data
N Surantha, TF Lesmana, SM Isa
Journal of Big Data 8 (1), 14, 2021
Indoor air quality monitoring and controlling system based on IoT and fuzzy logic
F Pradityo, N Surantha
2019 7th International conference on information and communication …, 2019
Hydroponic nutrient control system based on internet of things and K-nearest neighbors
D Adidrana, N Surantha
2019 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its …, 2019
Intelligent monitoring and controlling system for hydroponics precision agriculture
N Surantha
2019 7th international conference on information and communication …, 2019
Internet of things for sleep quality monitoring system: A survey
N Surantha, GP Kusuma, SM Isa
2016 11th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity …, 2016
Home security system with face recognition based on convolutional neural network
NS Irjanto, N Surantha
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (11), 2020
Automatic sleep stage classification using weighted ELM and PSO on imbalanced data from single lead ECG
OK Utomo, N Surantha, SM Isa, B Soewito
Procedia Computer Science 157, 321-328, 2019
XSS attack detection with machine learning and n-gram methods
G Habibi, N Surantha
2020 International conference on information management and technology …, 2020
Arrhythmia Classification using 2D Convolutional Neural Network
R Rohmantri, N Surantha
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (4 …, 2020
Rasefiberry: Secure and efficient Raspberry-Pi based gateway for smarthome IoT architecture
V Simadiputra, N Surantha
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 10 (2), 1035-1045, 2021
Secure kubernetes networking design based on zero trust model: A case study of financial service enterprise in indonesia
N Surantha, F Ivan
Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing: Proceedings …, 2020
Hydroponic nutrient control system based on internet of things
H Herman, D Adidrana, N Surantha, S Suharjito
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal 13 (2), 105─ 111 …, 2019
Smart hydroculture control system based on IoT and fuzzy logic
N Surantha
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 16 (1 …, 2020
Evaluation of network security based on next generation intrusion prevention system
GIP Duppa, N Surantha
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 17 (1), 39-48, 2019
Sleep apnea identification using HRV features of ECG signals
B Sulistyo, N Surantha, SM Isa
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 8 (5 …, 2018
IT risk identification and evaluation: A case study on XYZ University
D Albertivan, H Limantara, RA Rachmadiati, AW Pamungkas, N Surantha
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2019
Sleep stage identification using the combination of ELM and PSO based on ECG signal and HRV
TF Lesmana, SM Isa, N Surantha
2018 3rd International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems …, 2018
An IoT based house intruder detection and alert system using histogram of oriented gradients
N Surantha, WR Wicaksono
Journal of Computer Science 15 (8), 1108.1122, 2019
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