Hernan A. Moreno
Hernan A. Moreno
Assistant Professor
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The diurnal cycle of precipitation in the tropical Andes of Colombia
G Poveda, OJ Mesa, LF Salazar, PA Arias, HA Moreno, SC Vieira, ...
Monthly Weather Review 133 (1), 228-240, 2005
Changing climate and endangered high mountain ecosystems in Colombia
D Ruiz, HA Moreno, ME Gutiérrez, PA Zapata
Science of the total environment 398 (1-3), 122-132, 2008
Observed relation between evapotranspiration and soil moisture in the North American monsoon region
ER Vivoni, HA Moreno, G Mascaro, JC Rodriguez, CJ Watts, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (22), 2008
La lluvia y los deslizamientos de tierra en Antioquia: análisis de su ocurrencia en las escalas interanual, intraanual y diaria
HA Moreno, MV Vélez, JD Montoya, RL Rhenals
Revista EIA, 59-69, 2006
Merging unmanned aerial systems (UAS) imagery and echo soundings with an adaptive sampling technique for bathymetric surveys
LV Alvarez, HA Moreno, AR Segales, TG Pham, EA Pillar-Little, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (9), 1362, 2018
Utility of quantitative precipitation estimates for high resolution hydrologic forecasts in mountain watersheds of the Colorado Front Range
HA Moreno, ER Vivoni, DJ Gochis
Journal of Hydrology 438, 66-83, 2012
Limits to flood forecasting in the Colorado Front Range for two summer convection periods using radar nowcasting and a distributed hydrologic model
HA Moreno, ER Vivoni, DJ Gochis
Journal of Hydrometeorology 14 (4), 1075-1097, 2013
Strategic allocation of water conservation incentives to balance environmental flows and societal outcomes
HZ Sabzi, S Rezapour, R Fovargue, H Moreno, TM Neeson
Ecological Engineering 127, 160-169, 2019
Modeling the distributed effects of forest thinning on the long-term water balance and streamflow extremes for a semi-arid basin in the southwestern US
HA Moreno, HV Gupta, DD White, DA Sampson
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (3), 1241-1267, 2016
Influencia del ENSO, oscilación Madden–Julian, ondas del este, huracanes y fases de la luna en el ciclo diurno de la precipitación en los Andes tropicales de Colombia
G Poveda, O Mesa, P Agudelo, J Álvarez, P Arias, H Moreno, L Salazar, ...
Meteorología Colombiana 5 (0124-6984), 3-12, 2002
Comparison of projected water availability and demand reveals future hotspots of water stress in the Red River basin, USA
HZ Sabzi, HA Moreno, R Fovargue, X Xue, Y Hong, TM Neeson
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 26, 100638, 2019
Utility of satellite-derived burn severity to study short-and long-term effects of wildfire on streamflow at the basin scale
HA Moreno, JJ Gourley, TG Pham, DM Spade
Journal of hydrology 580, 124244, 2020
Humanitarian IED clearance in Colombia
JMH Hendrickx, A Molina, D Diaz, M Grasmueck, HA Moreno, ...
Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XIII …, 2008
Spatial planning for water sustainability projects under climate uncertainty: Balancing human and environmental water needs
RE Fovargue, S Rezapour, D Rosendahl, AM Wootten, HZ Sabzi, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (3), 034050, 2021
Diagnóstico del ciclo diurno de precipitación en los Andes tropicales de Colombia
G Poveda, OJ Mesa, PA Agudelo, JF Álvarez, PA Arias, HA Moreno, ...
Proceedings of the Memorias XX Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica, 2002
Addressing uncertainty in reflectivity‐rainfall relations in mountain watersheds during summer convection
HA Moreno, ER Vivoni, DJ Gochis
Hydrological Processes 28 (3), 688-704, 2014
Diagnóstico del ciclo Anual y efectos del ENSO sobre la intensidad máxima de lluvias de duración entre 1 y 24 horas en los Andes de Colombia
G Poveda, OJ Mesa, V Toro, PA Agudelo, JF Álvarez, P Arias, H Moreno, ...
Meteorol. Colomb 5, 67-74, 2002
Caracterización del ciclo diurno de la precipitación en los Andes tropicales de Colombia
G Poveda, HA Moreno, SC Vieira, P Agudelo, PA Arias, LF Salazar, ...
Proceedings of the Memorias IX Congreso Latinoamericano e Ibérico de …, 2001
Triple Collocation of Ground-, Satellite-and Land Surface Model-Based Surface Soil Moisture Products in Oklahoma—Part I: Individual Product Assessment
Z Hong, HA Moreno, Z Li, S Li, JS Greene, Y Hong, LV Alvarez
Remote Sensing 14 (22), 5641, 2022
Análisis del ciclo diurno de la humedad relativa en 17 aeropuertos de Colombia
LM Marín Arroyave, G Poveda Jaramillo, HA Moreno Ramírez
Escuela de Geociencias y Medio Ambiente, 2004
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