Joakim Striber
Joakim Striber
Alfa BK University
在 alfa.edu.rs 的电子邮件经过验证
Advanced research technology for art and archaeology: ART4ART mobile laboratory
M Simileanu, W Maracineanu, J Striber, C Deciu, D Ene, L Angheluta, ...
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (2), 470-473, 2008
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of asbestos
L Caneve, F Colao, F Fabbri, R Fantoni, V Spizzichino, J Striber
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 60 (7-8), 1115-1120, 2005
Laser spectroscopy methods for an 18th century grisaille painting investigation
J Striber, R Radvan, LM Angheluta
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced materials 11 (11), 1815-1820, 2009
Optical and structural investigations on Cd-S-Se-doped aluminophosphate glasses
M Elisa, C Vasiliu, J Striber, D Radu, JH Trodahl, M Dalley
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 8 (2), 811, 2006
Easel paintings on canvas and panel: Application of Nd: YAG laser at 355 nm, 1064 nm and UV, IR and visible light for the development of new methodologies in conservation
J Striber, V Jovanović, M Jovanović
Proceedings of LACONA XI, P. Targowski et al.(Eds.), NCU Press, Toruń, 3875-4.20, 2017
Analysis of ceramics surface modification induced by pulsed laser treatment
S Ristic, S Polic, B Radojkovic, J Striber
Processing and Application of Ceramics 8 (1), 15-23, 2014
A complex portable optoelectronic setup for on-site interventions: case studies
M Simileanu, W Maracineanu, C Deciu, J Striber, R Radvan
Seventh International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser …, 2006
Analysis of ceramics surface modification induced by pulsed laser treatment
S Ristić, S Polić, B Radojković, J Striber
Processing and Application of Ceramics 8 (1), 15-23, 2014
Characterization of roman marble bust using libs and μ-Raman spectroscopy. A case study
O Grupče, MA Raškovska, L Dzidrova, B Minčeva-Šukarova, R Radvan, ...
Revistapontica, 43, 563-572 (2010), 2010
Non-contact and non-invasive photonic device for qualitative fungal contamination control
LM Angheluta, J Striber, R Radvan, I Gomoiu, V Dragomir
9th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematics and Computeres in Biology …, 2008
Algorithm for angular correction of images in scanning LIF
J Striber, F Colao, R Fantoni, L Fiorani, A Palucci
Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials 9 (6), 1918-1925, 2007
Spectroscopic monitoring of the laser cleaning applied to ancient marbles from Mediterranean areas
V Lazic, F Colao, R Fantoni, L Fiorani, A Palucci, J Striber, A Santagata, ...
Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks: LACONA V Proceedings, Osnabrück …, 2005
Diagnostiche di campioni lapidei mediante fluorescenza indotta da laser
F Colao, L Fiorani, R Fantoni, A Palucci, J Striber
ENEA RT/2003/40/FIS, 0
Primena lasera u čišćenju korozije na starim tekstilnim predmetima sa metalnim vezama
S Ristić, D Radovanović, SR Polić, S Dragutinović, J Striber
Zaštita materijala 55 (4), 401-406, 2014
Automated optoelectronic device for qualitative analysis of the artwork surfaces using the LIF technique
L Angheluta, J Striber, R Radvan, M Simileanu
Romanian Reports in Physics 60 (4), 1053-1063, 2008
Laser cleaning application on Lady’s Church atrium from Bucharest city centre
J Striber, W Maracineanu, M Simileanu, R Savastru, D Mohanu
Nonconventional Technologies Review 4, 89-92, 2005
Diagnostics of stone samples by laser-induced flurorescence
F Colao, R Fantoni, L Fiorani, A Palucci, J Striber
ROMOPTO 2003: Seventh Conference on Optics 5581, 455-464, 2004
The application of laser cleaning in paper conservation
M Jelenić, J Striber, SP Ivović
Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske 58 (3-4), 2016
Чишћење металних нити на текстилним музејским експонатима Nd-Yag ласером
S Ristić, SR Polić, D Radovanović, J Striber, B Radojković
Гласник Етнографског музеја у Београду ГЕМ/Bulletin of the Ethnographic …, 2013
Laser cleaning of 18-th century parchment with polychrome inscriptions
M Simileanu, G Avgerinidou, L Angheluta, R Radvan, J Striber, L Miu
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 2 (September …, 2008
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