Dmitry V. Ivanoff
Partitions in the carnivoran auditory bulla: Their formation and significance for systematics
DV Ivanoff
Mammal Review 31 (1), 1–16, 2001
Origin of the septum in the canid auditory bulla: Evidence from morphogenesis
DV Ivanoff
Acta Theriologica-Mammal Research 45 (2), 253–270, 2000
The Quaternary lions of Ukraine and a trend of decreasing size in Panthera spelaea
A Marciszak, DV Ivanoff, YA Semenov, S Talamo, B Ridush, A Stupak, ...
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 30 (1), 109–135, 2023
Brainy stuff of long-gone dogs: A reappraisal of the supposed Canis endocranial cast from the Pliocene of Poland
DV Ivanoff, M Wolsan, A Marciszak
Naturwissenschaften-The Science of Nature 101 (8), 645–651, 2014
Unlocking the ring: Occurrence and development of the uninterrupted intrabullar septum in Canidae
DV Ivanoff
Mammalian Biology-Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 72 (3), 145–162, 2007
Die Pliozäne Fauna der Katakomben von Odessa (Ukraine)
D Nagel, K Pronin, I Pytlik, C Urbanek, D Ivanoff, Y Semenov
Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz …, 2004
Morphogenesis and evolution of the canid auditory bulla
DV Ivanoff
Canid Biology and Conservation, 17–21 September 2001, Oxford, 2001
Систематическое положение “Vulpes” odessana Odintzov, 1967 (Carnivora, Canidae) из русциния Северного Причерноморья
ДВ Иванов
Загадочные организмы в эволюции и филогении, 21–22 ноября 1996, Москва, 1996
Feeding patterns and management of dogs and chickens from ancient to medieval sites of Ukraine: A stable isotope analysis
A Grandal-d’Anglade, L Gorobets, A García-Vázquez, DV Ivanoff
Archaeologies of Animal Movement: Animals on the Move (ed. by A-K Salmi & S …, 2021
Composition of the canid auditory bulla and a new look at the evolution of carnivoran entotympanics
DV Ivanoff
Organisms Diversity & Evolution 19 (2), 363-375, 2019
Wolverine (Gulo gulo) population dynamics through space and time
M Stiller, D Döppes, A Sher, M Sotnikova, G Baryshnikov, A Abramov, ...
Annual Meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, 5–8 June …, 2008
Фауна из раскопок поселения майкопской культуры Натухаевское-3
ДВ Иванов, АВ Шишлов, АВ Колпакова, НВ Федоренко
Историко-археологический альманах 15, 9–12, 2020
Rusava-2, a new locality of Mid-Pleistocene fauna and palynoflora in Ukraine: Geology, palaeontology, palaeogeography and relative geochronology
OI Krokhmal, MS Komar, OY Anistratenko, VМ Logvynenko, DV Ivanoff
Geological Journal 2023 (3), 108-125, 2023
Нове місцезнаходження середньоплейстоценової фауни та палінофлори Русава-2 (Україна): геологія, палеонтологія, палеогеографія, відносна геохронологія
ОІ Крохмаль, МС Комар, ОЮ Аністратенко, ВМ Логвиненко, ДВ Іванов
Геологічний журнал 2023 (3), 108-125, 2023
Юрій Семенов — палеотеріолог, дослідник еволюції хижих ссавців
Д Іванов
Теріологія в Україні. Т. 2 (ред. І. Загороднюк). Novitates Theriologicae 15 …, 2022
Vertebrates of the Abrau Peninsula 700–800 years ago
DV Ivanoff, AV Shishlov, AV Kolpakova, NV Fedorenko
Terrestrial and Marine Ecosystems of the Abrau Peninsula: History, Status …, 2021
Позвоночные животные полуострова Абрау 700-800 лет назад
ДВ Иванов, АВ Шишлов, АВ Колпакова, НВ Федоренко
Наземные и морские экосистемы полуострова Абрау: история, состояние …, 2021
Fauna from excavations of the Maykop culture settlement Natukhayevskoye-3
DV Ivanoff, AV Shishlov, AV Kolpakova, NV Fedorenko
Historical-Archaeological Almanac 15, 9–12, 2020
Opportunistic commensalism or à la carte? Stable isotopes of dogs, chickens and hawks in deposits from ancient to medieval Ukraine
A Grandal-d'Anglade, A García-Vázquez, L Gorobets, DV Ivanoff
The 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 5–8 …, 2018
In praise of juvenility: The increasing significance of ontogenetic series in zoological collections of natural history museums
DV Ivanoff
Natural History Museums: The Role in Education and Science, 27–30 October …, 2015
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