Vladan Hruska
Vladan Hruska
Assistant Professor
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Proměny přístupů ke konceputalizaci venkovského prostoru v rurálních studiích
V Hruška
Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 50 (04), 581-601, 2014
Defining rural areas of Visegrad countries
L NovotNý, M Mazur, V Hruška, T Egedy
Studia obszarów wiejskich 39, 21-34, 2015
Entrepreneurial in-migration and rural development in Czechia: A challenge of integrating the local and extra-local in rural planning
J Píša, V Hruška
Geographia Polonica 92 (3), 347-363, 2019
Power relations and local agency: a comparative study of European mining towns
F Görmar, M Grillitsch, V Hruška, M Mihály, E Nagy, J Píša, L Stihl
Urban Research & Practice 16 (4), 558-581, 2023
Why I would want to live in the village if I was not interested in cultivating the plot? A study of home gardening in rural Czechia
J Vávra, Z Smutná, V Hruška
Sustainability 13 (2), 706, 2021
Development policies on rural peripheral areas in Visegrad countries: a comparative policy analysis
Z Kovács, S Csachová, M Ferenc, V Hruška, M Konopski
Studia Obszarów Wiejskich 39, 77-102, 2015
Evolution of alternative food networks in an old industrial region of Czechia
V Hruška, O Konečný, Z Smutná, B Duží
Erdkunde, 143-159, 2020
České strategické plánování rozvoje venkova v politickém a plánovacím diskurzu
V Hruška
Urbanismus a územní rozvoj 14 (3), 7-12, 2011
Winning and losing rural localities of the post-socialist economic restructuring: case study of Czechia
V Hruška, J Píša
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 68 (4), 373-389, 2019
Rural economic development in the post-agricultural era: policy recommendations
V Hruška, K Czapiewski, Z Kovács
Studia Obszarow Wiejskich/Rural Studies 39, 129-144, 2015
Changing rural economies: theoretical background and empirical evidence
V Hruška, K Czapiewski
Studia obszarów wiejskich 39, 59-76, 2015
Prostor venkova
V Hruška, O Konečný
Prostory geografie. Praha (Karolinum), 189-211, 2014
Exploring local land use conflicts through successive planning decisions: a dynamic approach and theory-driven typology of potentially conflicting planning decisions
P Raška, B Frantál, S Martinát, V Hruška
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 66 (10), 2051-2070, 2023
Barriers for and standpoints of key actors in the implementation of smart village projects as a tool for the development of rural areas
P Hlaváček, M Kopáček, L Kopáčková, V Hruška
Journal of Rural Studies 103, 103098, 2023
Assessing the Regionality Degree of Regional Products o The Ustí Region (Czechia)
V Hruška, L Broumová, J Píša
European Countryside 9 (4), 832-849, 2017
Současný stav a vývojové trendy trhu práce v Jihomoravském kraji a srovnání s regiony ČR a EU
V Toušek, O Konečný, O Šerý, O Machek, F Chvátal, A Nogová, M Fňukal, ...
Jihomoravský kraj, Brno, 2009
‘It was my duty to change this place’: motivations of agents of change in Czech old industrial towns
J Píša, V Hruška
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 106 (2), 235-251, 2024
Community resilience under influences of higher governance structures: the case of the Czech rural community Nošovice
V Hruška
Regional Resilience, Economy and Society, 95-111, 2016
Post-agricultural rural space of the Visegrad countries: Economies, entrepreneurship and policies
V Hruška
Komisja Obszarów Wiejskich PTG, 2015
Strategic planning of the Czech rural space: the analysis of its failure, improving its image on the example of the Moravskoslezský region
V Hruška
Europa Regional 18 (4), 163-175, 2012
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