Yael Kiro
Yael Kiro
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Response of the Mediterranean and Dead Sea coastal aquifers to sea level variations
Y Yechieli, E Shalev, S Wollman, Y Kiro, U Kafri
Water Resources Research 46 (12), 2010
Time response of the water table and saltwater transition zone to a base level drop
Y Kiro, Y Yechieli, V Lyakhovsky, E Shalev, A Starinsky
Water Resources Research 44 (12), 2008
Relationships between lake-level changes and water and salt budgets in the Dead Sea during extreme aridities in the Eastern Mediterranean
Y Kiro, SL Goldstein, J Garcia-Veigas, E Levy, Y Kushnir, M Stein, B Lazar
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 464, 211-226, 2017
Modeling radium distribution in coastal aquifers during sea level changes: The Dead Sea case
Y Kiro, Y Yechieli, CI Voss, A Starinsky, Y Weinstein
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 88, 237-254, 2012
Environmental implications of salt facies in the Dead Sea
Y Kiro, SL Goldstein, B Lazar, M Stein
Bulletin 128 (5-6), 824-841, 2016
Groundwater ages and reaction rates during seawater circulation in the Dead Sea aquifer
Y Kiro, Y Weinstein, A Starinsky, Y Yechieli
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 122, 17-35, 2013
Application of radon and radium isotopes to groundwater flow dynamics: An example from the Dead Sea
Y Kiro, Y Weinstein, A Starinsky, Y Yechieli
Chemical Geology 411, 155-171, 2015
U–Th dating of calcite corals from the Gulf of Aqaba
M Yehudai, B Lazar, N Bar, Y Kiro, A Agnon, Y Shaked, M Stein
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 198, 285-298, 2017
Revised chronology of the ICDP Dead Sea deep drill core relates drier-wetter-drier climate cycles to insolation over the past 220 kyr
SL Goldstein, Y Kiro, A Torfstein, H Kitagawa, J Tierney, M Stein
Quaternary Science Reviews 244, 106460, 2020
The extent of seawater circulation in the aquifer and its role in elemental mass balances: A lesson from the Dead Sea
Y Kiro, Y Weinstein, A Starinsky, Y Yechieli
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 394, 146-158, 2014
Salt precipitation and dissolution in the late quaternary Dead Sea: Evidence from chemical and δ37Cl composition of pore fluids and halites
EJ Levy, Y Yechieli, I Gavrieli, B Lazar, Y Kiro, M Stein, O Sivan
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 487, 127-137, 2018
Microbial sedimentary imprint on the deep Dead Sea sediment
C Thomas, Y Ebert, Y Kiro, M Stein, D Ariztegui, DSDDP Scientific Team
The Depositional Record 2 (1), 118-138, 2016
Droughts, flooding events, and shifts in water sources and seasonality characterize last interglacial Levant climate
Y Kiro, SL Goldstein, Y Kushnir, JM Olson, L Bolge, B Lazar, M Stein
Quaternary Science Reviews 248, 106546, 2020
The effect of the Dead Sea level drop in the past 50 years on the groundwater system in the alluvial aquifer in its vicinity
Y Kiro
M. Sc., The Hebrew University, 2006
Helium in diamonds unravels over a billion years of craton metasomatism
Y Weiss, Y Kiro, C Class, G Winckler, JW Harris, SL Goldstein
Nature communications 12 (1), 2667, 2021
Unraveling late Quaternary atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere through the provenance of Pampean loess
G Torre, D Gaiero, R Coppo, NJ Cosentino, SL Goldstein, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 232, 104143, 2022
Nitrate-Enrichment Structures Phytoplankton Communities in the Shallow Eastern Mediterranean Coastal Waters
E Rahav, O Raveh, K Yanuka-Golub, N Belkin, P Astrahan, M Maayani, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 611497, 2020
The Sediment Green‐Blue Color Ratio as a Proxy for Biogenic Silica Productivity Along the Chilean Margin
C Li, VJ Clementi, SC Bova, Y Rosenthal, LB Childress, JD Wright, Z Jian, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (9), e2022GC010350, 2022
Expedition 379T Preliminary Report, Digging Deeper with the JR100: Extending high resolution paleoclimate records from the Chilean Margin to the Eemian
SC Bova, Y Rosenthal, L Childress, I Aiello, A Avila, C Charles, A Cheung, ...
Zenodo, 2019
Holocene humid periods of the Levant–evidence from Dead Sea lake-levels
Y Goldsmith, O Cohen, M Stein, A Torfstein, Y Kiro, Y Kushnir, Y Bartov, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 318, 108312, 2023
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