Chung-Yueh Lien
Chung-Yueh Lien
National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
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Privacy preservation and information security protection for patients’ portable electronic health records
LC Huang, HC Chu, CY Lien, CH Hsiao, T Kao
Computers in Biology and Medicine 39 (9), 743-750, 2009
Deep learning-based computer-aided diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis with hand X-ray images conforming to modified total sharp/van der Heijde score
HJ Wang, CP Su, CC Lai, WR Chen, C Chen, LY Ho, WC Chu, CY Lien
Biomedicines 10 (6), 1355, 2022
A Web-based solution for viewing large-sized microscopic images
CY Lien, HC Teng, DJ Chen, WC Chu, CH Hsiao
Journal of digital imaging 22, 275-285, 2009
Use of a rich internet application solution to present medical images
CH Hsiao, CY Shiau, YM Liu, MM Chao, CY Lien, CH Chen, SH Yen, ...
Journal of digital imaging 24, 967-978, 2011
Recognizing the differentiation degree of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelium cells using machine learning and deep learning-based approaches
CY Lien, TT Chen, ET Tsai, YJ Hsiao, N Lee, CE Gao, YP Yang, SJ Chen, ...
Cells 12 (2), 211, 2023
A windows-based dual-channel arbitrary signal generator
YW Bai, HG Wei, CY Lien, HL Tu
IMTC/2002. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement …, 2002
Embedding a hiding function in a portable electronic health record for privacy preservation
LC Huang, HC Chu, CY Lien, CH Hsiao, T Kao
Journal of Medical Systems 34, 313-320, 2010
Realizing digital signatures for medical imaging and reporting in a PACS environment
CY Lien, TL Yang, CH Hsiao, T Kao
Journal of medical systems 37, 1-11, 2013
Open source tools for standardized privacy protection of medical images
CY Lien, M Onken, M Eichelberg, T Kao, A Hein
Medical Imaging 2011: Advanced PACS-based Imaging Informatics and …, 2011
Applying a presentation content manifest for signing clinical documents
CY Lien, CH Hsiao, LC Huang, T Kao
Journal of digital imaging 23, 152-160, 2010
Integration of PET-CT and cone-beam CT for image-guided radiotherapy with high image quality and registration accuracy
TH Wu, CH Liang, JK Wu, CY Lien, BH Yang, YH Huang, JJS Lee
Journal of Instrumentation 4 (07), P07006, 2009
Creating a medical imaging workflow based on FHIR, DICOMweb, and SVG
ST Tang, V Tjia, T Noga, J Febri, CY Lien, WC Chu, CY Chen, CH Hsiao
Journal of Digital Imaging 36 (3), 794-803, 2023
A software-embedded method of security protection applied in indirect imaging in dentistry
CY Lien, T Kao, CH Hsiao, CI Keng
J. Med. Biol. Eng 30, 203-207, 2010
BlueLight: an open source DICOM viewer using low-cost computation algorithm implemented with javascript using advanced medical imaging visualization
TT Chen, YC Sun, WC Chu, CY Lien
Journal of Digital Imaging 36 (2), 753-763, 2023
Integrity and authenticity of quality assurance and control in an imaging examination workflow
CY Lien, CH Hsiao, TL Yang, T Kao
International Conference on Health Informatics 2, 155-158, 2010
Authenticity and Integrity of Portable Electronic Health Records.
CY Lien, CH Hsiao, LC Huang, T Kao
HEALTHINF (1), 67-71, 2008
A Practical Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Breast Ultrasound Classifying Lesions into the ACR BI-RADS Assessment
HY Su, CY Lien, PJ Huang, WC Chu
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 1-11, 2024
Enhancing facial feature de-identification in multiframe brain images: A generative adversarial network approach
CY Lien, RJ Deng, JL Fuh, YN Ting, AC Yang
Progress in brain research 290, 141-156, 2024
Design of HL7 FHIR Profiles for Pathology Reports Integrated with Pathology Images
CY Lien, TY Ting, LC Kuo, PC Chung, YC Chu, CT Kuo
MEDINFO 2023—The Future Is Accessible, 13-17, 2024
A Secure Knowledge Discovery Framework for Clinical Informatics
YH Shih, CY Lien, CH Chen, CH Hsiao, WC Chu
Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA), 1, 2011
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