Luca Moratto
Luca Moratto
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
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Empirical ground-motion prediction equations for northern Italy using weak-and strong-motion amplitudes, frequency content, and duration parameters
M Massa, P Morasca, L Moratto, S Marzorati, G Costa, D Spallarossa
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (3), 1319-1342, 2008
Seismic monitoring of an underground natural gas storage facility: The Collalto Seismic Network
E Priolo, M Romanelli, MP Plasencia Linares, M Garbin, L Peruzza, ...
Seismological Research Letters 86 (1), 109-123, 2015
A deterministic seismic hazard analysis for shallow earthquakes in Greece
L Moratto, B Orlecka-Sikora, G Costa, P Suhadolc, C Papaioannou, ...
Tectonophysics 442 (1-4), 66-82, 2007
Real-time generation of ShakeMaps in the Southeastern Alps
L Moratto, G Costa, P Suhadolc
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 99 (4), 2489-2501, 2009
5.1 OASIS-The OGS Archive System of Instrumental Seismology
E Priolo, G Laurenzano, C Barnaba, P Bernardi, L Moratto, EA SPINELLI
The friuli venezia giulia accelerometric network: RAF
G Costa, L Moratto, P Suhadolc
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 8, 1141-1157, 2010
The OGS–Northeastern Italy seismic and deformation network: Current status and outlook
PL Bragato, P Comelli, A Saraò, D Zuliani, L Moratto, V Poggi, G Rossi, ...
Seismological Research Letters 92 (3), 1704-1716, 2021
Moment Magnitude () Estimation of Weak Seismicity in Northeastern Italy
L Moratto, A Saraò, E Priolo
Seismological Research Letters 88 (6), 1455-1464, 2017
Rapid damage scenario assessment for earthquake emergency management
V Poggi, C Scaini, L Moratto, G Peressi, P Comelli, PL Bragato, S Parolai
Seismological Research Letters 92 (4), 2513-2530, 2021
Finite-fault parameters of the September 1976 M> 5 aftershocks in Friuli (NE Italy)
L Moratto, P Suhadolc, G Costa
Tectonophysics 536, 44-60, 2012
Source parameter analysis of microearthquakes recorded around the underground gas storage in the Montello-Collalto Area (Southeastern Alps, Italy)
L Moratto, MA Romano, G Laurenzano, S Colombelli, E Priolo, A Zollo, ...
Tectonophysics 762, 159-168, 2019
Earthquake features through the seismic moment tensor.
A Saraò, O Cocina, L Moratto, L Scarfì
MISCELLANEA INGV 29, 98-102, 2016
A hybrid approach for broadband simulations of strong ground motion: the case of the 2008 Iwate–Miyagi Nairiku earthquake
L Moratto, A Vuan, A Saraò
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 105 (5), 2823-2829, 2015
ShakeMaps for three relevant earthquakes in the Southeastern Alps: Comparison between instrumental and observed intensities
L Moratto, P Suhadolc, G Costa
Tectonophysics 509 (1-2), 93-106, 2011
Improving ShakeMap performance by integrating real with synthetic data: tests on the 2009 M w = 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake (Italy)
L Moratto, A Saraò
Journal of seismology 16, 131-145, 2012
Near‐real‐time damage estimation for buildings based on strong‐motion recordings: An application to target areas in northeastern Italy
C Scaini, B Petrovic, A Tamaro, L Moratto, S Parolai
Seismological Society of America 92 (6), 3785-3800, 2021
Fast MW estimation of microearthquakes recorded around the underground gas storage in the Montello-Collalto area (Southeastern Alps, Italy)
A Lanzoni, L Moratto, E Priolo, MA Romano
Journal of Seismology 24, 1029-1043, 2020
Strong-motion observations from the OGS temporary seismic network during the 2012 Emilia sequence in northern Italy
C Barnaba, G Laurenzano, L Moratto, M Sugan, A Vuan, E Priolo, ...
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 12, 2165-2178, 2014
Seismic hazard for the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP). Part 1: probabilistic seismic hazard analysis along the pipeline
D Slejko, A Rebez, M Santulin, J Garcia-Pelaez, D Sandron, A Tamaro, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (9), 3349-3388, 2021
Estimation of site effects at some stations of the Friuli (NE Italy) accelerometric network (RAF)
G Costa, P Suhadolc, A Delise, L Moratto, E Furlanetto, F Fitzko, PY Bard, ...
Third International Symposium of the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic …, 2006
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