Maddalena Beccherle
Maddalena Beccherle
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Verona
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Fragilità contemporanee: fenomenologie della violenza e della vulnerabilità
A De Vita
Mimesis, 2022
Anosognosia for theory of mind deficits: A single case study and a review of the literature
V Pacella, M Scandola, M Beccherle, C Bulgarelli, R Avesani, ...
Neuropsychologia 148, 107641, 2020
Massive body-brain disconnection consequent to spinal cord injuries drives profound changes in higher-order cognitive and emotional functions: A PRISMA scoping review
V Moro, M Beccherle, M Scandola, SM Aglioti
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 105395, 2023
Temporal judgments of actions following unilateral brain damage
V Pacella, M Scandola, M Bà, N Smania, M Beccherle, E Rossato, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 21668, 2022
Examining the role of self-reported somatosensory sensations in body (dis) ownership: A scoping review and empirical study of patients with a disturbed sense of limb ownership
V Moro, M Scandola, V Gobbetto, S Bertagnoli, M Beccherle, S Besharati, ...
Neuropsychologia, 108776, 2023
Illusory hand movements in the absence of asomatognosia, spatial neglect and anosognosia for hemiplegia.
M Beccherle, V Gobbetto, S Bertagnoli, C Bulgarelli, E Rossato, V Moro
Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 2023
Peripersonal Space from a multisensory perspective: the distinct effect of the visual and tactile components of Visuo-Tactile stimuli
M Beccherle, S Facchetti, F Villani, M Zanini, M Scandola
Experimental Brain Research 240 (4), 1205-1217, 2022
Topographic mapping of the sensorimotor qualities of empathic reactivity: A psychophysiological study in people with spinal cord injuries
M Scandola, M Beccherle, R Togni, G Caffini, F Ferrari, SM Aglioti, V Moro
Psychophysiology 61 (6), e14547, 2024
A study of the observation of pain by spinal cord injured people reveals the topographic mapping of the sensorimotor qualities of empathic reactivity.
M Scandola, M Beccherle, G Caffini, F Ferrari, SM Aglioti, V Moro
OSF, 2023
Effects of the social context on the neurophysiological correlates of observed error monitoring
M Pyasik, M Beccherle, F Faraoni, R Pezzetta, V Moro
Neuropsychologia 181, 108503, 2023
False memories in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis patients: A preliminary investigation with the DRM paradigm
M Pitteri, M Vannucci, S Ziccardi, M Beccherle, C Semenza, M Calabrese
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 37, 101418, 2020
How pain and body representations transform each other: A narrative review
M Beccherle, M Scandola
Journal of Neuropsychology, 2024
Pain and the Perception of Space in Fibromyalgia: Effects of Pain in Estimations of Distance
M Scandola, M Beccherle, E Polati, G Pietroni, E Rossato, V Schweiger, ...
Una città in carrozzina: fragilità e risorse per la mobilità e il turismo delle persone con disabilità motoria
M Valentina, M Beccherle, F Elena, S Michele
Fragilità contemporanee. Fenomenologie della violenza e della vulnerabilità …, 2022
Virtual social touch on embodied avatars in patients with fibromyalgia
M Beccherle, M Fusaro, SM Aglioti, V Moro
9th MindBrainBody Symposium 2022, 2022
Una città in carrozzina: fragilità e risorse per la mobilità delle persone con disabilità motoria.
V Moro, M Beccherle, E Facci, M Scandola
Fragilità contemporanee. Fenomenologie della violenza e della vulnerabilità …, 2021
Error recognition in stroke patients: the role of perspective and social context
M Beccherle, R Elena, B Cristina, M Valentina
XXVII Congresso AIP Sezione Sperimentale, 2021
The modularity of peripersonal space representations: the influence of the vision and tactile sensation on different body parts
S Facchetti, G Agostini, M Beccherle, M Scandola
Rovereto Workshop on Concepts, Actions, and Objects: Functional and Neural …, 2019
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